Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of activities. These activities include SEO (search engine optimization), Paid advertising, email marketing, social media and more. Every online business can benefit from applying these marketing techniques to their activities, however there are certain ways of doing so that will work better for growing your ecommerce business.

In this article we are going to be discussing our top digital marketing tips and best practises to grow your ecommerce business.

1.   A user friendly website

Your first step in growing an ecommerce business is to ensure you have a user friendly website. This means a website that is easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing to the user. The main reason why you want to have a user friendly website is because it will decrease the bounce rate. The bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors that navigate away from a website after only viewing one page. A high bounce rate demonstrates that your site is either unappealing or unengaging to your target audience.

Having an easy to navigate site not only benefits you because it creates a better user experience, but also because it increases the likelihood of your website pages being crawled sooner. This is important because the quicker your website and the pages it contains are crawled, the sooner you may begin to rank on search engines results pages (SERPS).

2.   Use search engine optimisation for long term results

Our next tip is to make sure you put enough focus on SEO. This is a marketing strategy that can seem intimidating if you don’t have experience doing SEO, which means it is often forgotten about or even ignored by businesses and some digital agencies. The reason why SEO is so important to the growth and success of your ecommerce business is because it is how you improve your organic reach. This is because effective SEO helps you to rank highly on search engine results pages, this makes you much more visible to your target audience which in turn should drive more qualified leads to your website.

The best part about SEO is that it is extremely cost effective.This Once you have put in the work to build links back to your website, those links will continue to provide your website with benefits for years to come. The reason why you want to rank highly in search engine results is because pages that rank on the first page of google search results get the most clicks. This is because these pages are generally seen as the most authoritative and trustworthy by searchers. If you don’t have experience with SEO we always recommend investing in some expert advice or services from digital experts like Our Digital Team.

3.   Use paid advertising for short term results

If you are looking for quick wins a good digital marketing route to take is paid advertising. Paid advertising, sometimes referred to as pay per click advertising or PPC is a form of advertising whereby you only pay for the advertisement when the advert gets clicked. This model is often used by search engines and social media platforms.

Paid advertising is a great short term marketing strategy if you are looking for quick wins and results. This is because paid advertising is an extremely targeted method of marketing where you get to choose the demographics you want to target and more. Most importantly you get to set a budget, this makes paid advertising an affordable and cost effective method of digital marketing.

4.   Use social media in the right way

Due to the popularity of social media, many businesses assume that social media is a great way to drive traffic to your website. We’re here to explain that whilst this is true to an extent, your time may be better spent on other marketing methods instead. Social media is a great platform that enables a two way communication method between a business and its target audience. However, we suggest that when you use social media as a digital marketing method, you use it in the right way. By this we mean don’t just make pointless and random tweets and posts. Use it as a way to amplify the content on your website such as blog posts.

Another way to use social media marketing is by utilising remarketing ads. There are different routes you can take to reach customers, here are some examples of site visitors you can remarket to:

  • Active visitor who has viewed your product pages
  • Visitor who has abandoned their shopping cart- for example ‘did you forget something’
  • Existing customers you have by up-selling or cross-selling different products
  • Casual visitor to increase awareness of your business

5.   Don’t neglect email marketing

Our final tip is to make sure that you don’t neglect email marketing. The power of email marketing is often overlooked, but statistics show that email marketing is an effective way to engage your target audience. According to Moonsend, 45% of cart abandonment emails are opened and nearly half of those receive a click through rate. This is a great way to drive customers who have already demonstrated an interest in your product or service right back to your site.

Email marketing provides you with an opportunity to reach your audience through a variety of methods. Some of these methods include offering promotions and discounts to encourage users to visit your website and make a purchase but also to keep your brand at the forefront of their mind with regular email updates from newsletters. There are some important considerations to be aware of with email marketing. Email marketing is only effective when done correctly, if you overdo it you may appear as spammy, this may put customers off or even lead to them unsubscribing from your email updates. We also recommend that the emails you send to your customers are relevant.

A good way to do effective email marketing is to use a tool like HubSpot who does the hard part for you and enables you to create professional email marketing campaigns that you can monitor and track.

Overview of digital marketing tips to grow your ecommerce business

We hope this article has given you a better understanding and insight into the world of digital marketing. It can seem daunting at first, but if you follow the right steps and use Wicked Reports Attribution Marketing Software, all of these tasks are doable. With the right time put into understanding each marketing technique, you are able to complete most of your marketing tasks yourself, however for the best results we always recommend using an expert. The help of an experienced digital marketing professional or team (like Coupa Punchout) can increase your return on investment significantly which will give you the best possible results. It is important to use a combination of each of the marketing strategies in order to achieve your goals and earn the best results.

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