One of the best ways to dispose of your old laptop is to exchange it for money. Instead of piling this stock in your space, you can sell it and save on the costs of acquiring a new one. These equipment keep changing and new upgraded versions come into the market from time to time. Therefore, it is a welcome idea to sell your current PC or laptop and use the money to acquire a new one. Despite being in a used state, your laptop can still fetch you some good money if you do your research well. SellBroke is one such platform where you can sell laptops, tablets, phones and many other items as you may please.
Now that you are preparing to sell your laptop, there are important things to do. You don’t just wake up one morning and give it out to the available buyer. You have to get it ready to sell it. This is especially in safeguarding your details and files once the laptop is sold. Here are some of the most important things to do to help you sell your old laptop before Christmas:
- Do a Backup of Personal Files. Your laptop carries important personal files and documents. You don’t have to lose all that because you are selling the laptop. The first thing to do is to back up these files. You can copy them to an external hard drive or in online drives that allow for access in any PC or laptop as long as it has internet connectivity.
- Sign out from your accounts. Dont leave your accounts signed in when selling your laptop. Otherwise, the new owner can easily navigate through your personal files and documents and access important information. Make sure that you are logged out from all apps, email accounts and services that have your personal data and information. Search for accounts within your laptop. Click on email & accounts and by clicking on each account, go to manage to delete all accounts from your device.
- Erase files from your hard drive. Once you have signed out from all your accounts and backed up your files, you can erase everything from your hard drive. This makes sure that you have not left any trace of your personal documents. From the start menu icon, search for update & security and locate Recovery and click on it. Click on Get Started option listed under Rest this PC. Choose Remove everything.
Pick how windows will be reinstalled. Cloud download allows for a fresh installation of the new Windows image once the hard drive is erased. If you choose local reinstall, it means that the reinstallation will use the windows image in your PC. After that, click on Change Settings and then clean data to clean your hard drive once files have been deleted. This makes the files unrecoverable. Confirm the action as prompted and follow the prompts to verify the reset process on your PC.
Selling your Laptop Now!
Upon you have completed the procedure above, your laptop is now ready for sale. You should follow this process to the latter to make sure that all your data and information is safe from external attack and use. These are the first things to do when you make up your mind to sell your PC. You can now look for a buyer once this is done. Look for reliable online platforms like SellBroke to get you a good price for your laptop.
To sale with ease, you will be required to provide well-lit photos, highlight any scratches or defects, and mention all unique features that come with your laptop. Mention any other accessories like the charger and packaging if available. Presenting enough information to your prospects will make it easier for them to decide. If you do this well, your laptop can get you good money before Christmas and upgrade to a better machine.
You can sell your old laptop quickly through online platforms that connect you with buyers. However, you must remember to back up your files and erase them from your hard drive. After that, visit SellBroke and sell your laptop before Christmas. Provide as much details and information as possible for it to sale fast.
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