Cannabis may be legal in more than a dozen states across the U.S. however, individuals still risk losing their job if failing a mandatory drug test. Unfortunately, THC can remain in the bloodstream for months, so simply quitting smoking for a few weeks before a drug test will not guarantee a pass.

On the other hand, individuals are safe to consume CBD – or the plant’s non-psychoactive compound – without the risk of getting laid off. As long as the CBD product has lower than 0.3% THC levels, the coast is clear. 

For instance, there are two types of CBD. CBD Isolate is 100% pure CBD, while CBD Full-Spectrum is CBD with terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids from the plant, ultimately enhancing the effects. 

Legally, CBD full-spectrum cannot contain more than 0.3% THC. However, it is essential to note THC traces are in the CBD full-spectrum cocktail, with some CBD products exceeding this restriction. Consequently, it is possible CBD products could trigger a drug test. 

So, with work on the line, one may choose a CBD isolate product rather than the latter to guarantee to pass a drug test. This guide will share everything needed to learn how to pass a drug test and a few tips to speed up the process safely.

Why Are People Still Being Drug Tested?

Despite cannabis’ legal status in various states throughout the country, some employers still administer drug tests that include detection for marijuana. At the federal level, cannabis is still illegal and classified as a Schedule 1 drug along with LSD and heroin. 

Because of this, people working for the federal government are often required to pass a drug test and can be penalized for testing positive for marijuana. Similarly, individuals in careers like transportation or construction need to be sober and alert on the job, giving employers a reason to double-check safety. As a standard example, check out the Texas drug testing laws and how they impact both governmental and nongovernmental employees.

Despite many companies still testing their professionals for cannabis, several organizations have formally denounced the practice and halted their efforts to screen for marijuana. The NBA and UFC, for example, recently announced that their athletes would not be screened for cannabis, signaling what could be a significant shift in testing standards. 

What Types of Drug Tests Are There?

Most individuals who have been subject to drug testing were required to take a urine test. At the same time, three other standard types of drug tests exist. While administrators can technically employ each to detect THC in the system, they have varying degrees of reliability. Unfortunately, they may produce inconsistent – or false-negative – results. The three basic types of drug test include:

  • Urine test: The most common type of drug test, urine tests do not test for THC (which includes edibles) but instead screen for remnants of the metabolic processing of marijuana. Because urine tests do not test for THC content, they do not offer an accurate impairment measure. Urine tests are unreliable and often produce false positives. 
  • Blood test: Blood tests screen specifically for the presence of THC and can detect impairment. Blood tests are more sensitive than other types of drug testing but are not typically required by employers. 
  • Hair test: While hair tests have been the standard for detecting hard drugs like cocaine, their effectiveness in detecting marijuana is not well established. That said, hair tests can detect THC traces that have been present in the hair for months. So, even if one has not consumed marijuana in a long time, their hair may hold on to chemical remnants. 
  • Saliva test: Saliva tests may detect cannabis a few hours after smoking but are not sensitive enough to test for long-term use. 

How Long Do Toxins Stay in Your System?

Some smokers swear a simple tolerance break will be enough to pass a drug test. That said, the length of time it takes for cannabis to leave one’s system depends significantly on individual physiology. 

Individuals with more body fat, low-nutritional diets, and sedentary lifestyles will typically retain THC and cannabis residue for longer. They may find the drug tests detect cannabis up to a month after consumption. 

In addition to the general lifestyle, the amount of cannabis someone consumes can impact how their system retains it. If the individual enjoys cannabis daily, their body will require more time and effort to metabolize the compounds. If the individual is merely an occasional smoker, the THC could leave their system in as little as three days. 

What Do You Need To Pass a Drug Test?

Say you’re scheduled for a drug test and are worried about failing due to the presence of THC in your system. In this case, you can use a few simple techniques for your THC detox, and to help your system flush the toxins. Here is what you’ll need to pass a drug test:

  • Antioxidant-rich foods: antioxidants help eliminate free-radicals in the body and assist in the flushing of THC from the bloodstream. Examples of antioxidant-rich foods that can help cleanse your system include spinach, blueberries, broccoli, and apples.
  • Lots of water: Hydration, hydration, hydration! Your body releases toxins every time it sweats or urinates, which is why you’ll want to consume plenty of water to keep everything flowing smoothly.
  • Detox Kits: Only have a few days to cleanse your system? Try one of these awesome detox kits to help kickstart your metabolism. Capable of reducing THC concentration in your system in as little as five days, these detox kits are everything. The detox kits include cleansing capsules to help the body flush out toxins with detailed instructions on how to support the cleansing process. 
  • Detox Drinks: THC Detox drinks can be consumed to help flush the system, and Detox kits provide everything you need to cleanse your body in a matter of days. Heavy cannabis consumers should consider combining a detox kit with detox drinks for extra cleansing power. One detox clean shot provides six hours of advanced detoxification and guarantees to pass a drug test with flying colors.

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Site Disclaimer 

Marijuana is a Controlled Substance under the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802) (“CSA”) and the cultivation, distribution, and possession of marijuana is a crime under federal law. Keep all marijuana and marijuana products out of reach of children and animals. Intoxicating effects of marijuana and marijuana products may be delayed. Use of marijuana while pregnant or breastfeeding may be harmful. Consumption of marijuana and marijuana products impairs your ability to drive and operate machinery, please use extreme caution

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