SEO professionals are all playing a game where they don’t know all the rules as search engines are changing those rules subtly to serve those to use them for search. Could one of those rules be that search engines go where the traffic is busiest? “We often find with increased user interaction – longer time on page, more pages per visit etc lead to increased rankings, though we can’t say for sure that an increase in traffic contributes” said Digital Roo a Brighton SEO Agency. There is some evidence that this might be the case…
A game of Blind Man’s Buff
We all know that being ranked on the first page of a Google search will get as much as a 30% increase in traffic to your site. SEO professionals are often set to tasks to get that improved organic ranking up there, often in extremely competitive marketplaces where it will often be the case of the best SEO teams around duking it out in a virtual battle to be #1.
Most of the rules are quite clear – key words and legitimate backlinks are very important in search rankings, and where under the rules you can pay per click you’ll be penalised for illegitimate backlinks to the site. Key word density and ‘human readability’ are important too, so a 10% key word-dense, wholly unreadable blog will be penalised while a well crafted article that draws people in because they wish to read it, with around 1% key word density will be ranked better.
It comes down to the fact that if someone knew all the rules they would win. In not knowing all the rules, but showing results from their idiosyncratic SEO techniques, so a SEO professional will shine. The best SEO professional will get their sites to rise above the babble and get to the fabled Rank #1, Page #1 with the masses of traffic that brings. An SEO expert would even get backlinks for CBD websites with not much effort and making sure to follow all rules so your rankings go up and you can continue to build traffic to your website.
Following the crowd
Some people lead, others follow. You just need to see the hysteria over the latest iPhone 8. People get hysterical over a phone because others get hysterical. Mass hysteria is the Holy Grail of marketing: “Why do you want that phone which isn’t as good as the other phone?”
“Because my friends have it and I will die of embarrassment without the worse phone!”
Could this be the case with Google and Bing? Could their bots and spiders follow the crowd to see what the fuss is about? There is some evidence that this might be the case. Looking at the phenomenon I saw one anecdote on A professional at an SEO agency explained, “On Monday one of our clients was on hit tv show Dragons’ Den where they won investment. Their site was then inundated with traffic and because we have a link, our site received record visitiors too.
The next day we made it to number 4 for ‘web design London’. Did this increase in traffic result in the improved ranking?”
One of the responders said she had read a book on search called ‘In the Plex’. She suggested, “One of the things I found fascinating was how they used user data. So, if your site was clicked on multiple times on a Google search AND if users stayed on the site then Google ranks it better. They called it a “short click” vs a “long click”.”
There has been some research into this yet not to a very high standard. We cannot be absolutely sure that Google follows the hype, but there is evidence that this might be the case. Could paying a company to hit your site thousands of times to generate a buzz about it improve your rankings? The only way to find out is to try and see…
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