Congratulations on your upcoming delivery! Preparing to have your first child is an exciting thing. While it can be stressful to get everything situated for your arrival, it doesn’t need to be. By taking one thing at a time and spending your pregnancy enjoying the process of a little research and planning, you’ll be ready for your first child in no time. For tips on how to prepare for your first child, read on.
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Insurance Coverages
While waiting for the arrival of your first child, do what you can to plan for the future. Consider looking into life insurance so that your baby will be a beneficiary should something go wrong. While most new moms aren’t thinking about a life insurance policy while planning for their baby, calling an insurance company for a free quote is a great way to give yourself peace of mind for your baby’s future. While it’s unlikely something will happen to you and your partner, having a life insurance policy will mean financial security for your baby in the event of a tragedy. When you make a call to a licensed life insurance agent, ask about options for educational and lump sum payouts for your child at the age of maturity. Knowing your options will go a long way in protecting your baby’s future.
When planning for your first baby, don’t stop at life insurance. Look into your coverages for home, health, and auto insurance, too. The more covered you are, the less you’ll have to worry about when your baby comes. Handling these things now is the best way to know you’ll have more time for your baby when they come.
Supplies and Items You’ll Need
As a soon-to-be mom, you already know about all the accessories that come with babies. If you’re planning on breastfeeding, there are even more that you’ll want to know about. Some mothers say the best breast pumps are electronic, while others prefer manual. It’s important to do your research ahead on things like suction strength, stimulation modes, wearable breast pumps, 2-phase expression technology, ease of use, pump mechanisms, and the ability to multitask while pumping. While it might sound complicated for a new mom, the best way to make decisions on whether to go to with a Spectra pump or hospital-grade pump for occasional use is to talk to other moms. This is something to talk to your doctor about, too.
When finding the best pump for you, consider your lifestyle. If you know that you’ll be freezing breast milk, for example, you’ll want a pump compatible with freezer bags. If you only plan on using a pump for multitasking or expressing infrequently, you might be better off with a simple manual pump that’s lightweight. When making these choices, it’s okay to make mistakes. What you think you might like could have the wrong expression mode or suction strength for you. You can always experiment until you find a better pump set fit for you.
Aside from a breast pump, you also need to get ready for baby supplies because as your baby grows older, you’ll need to buy bigger baby clothes, feeding utensils, and baby food. Your baby will start to eat solid foods, and you must ensure you avoid giving foods high in sugar as they can cause your baby to fight sleep. Serenity Kids recommends that parents focus on providing their babies with a balanced diet with lots of protein and healthy fats.
Last Minute Packing

Pregnant woman is packing suitcase for maternity hospital getting ready for childbirth. Happy young mother with travel luggage of baby clothes at home. Preparation for newborn birth during pregnancy.
Long after your baby shower, decorating that nursery, and months of anticipation, it’ll finally be time to pack your carry bag for the hospital. When packing your backpack or tote bag, pack clothes that will be a comfortable fit. It’s a good idea to pack maternity clothes, as you’ll likely come out of the hospital still looking pregnant until swelling goes down: a normal and temporary experience for most women.
Remember to pack healthy snacks, things to entertain yourself and your partner, a nursing bra, an ice pack, and the perfect outfit for your little one, too. At the end of the day, most of the details you’re worried about now won’t matter much when your child is here. You’ll be so caught up in the joy of welcoming your new baby that how prepared you are won’t seem like a big deal. At the same time, by being ready ahead of time, you’ll have peace of mind and can put your energy into your new baby. Have a fantastic delivery, and welcome to your new addition.
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