If you find yourself in legal trouble, having a good criminal lawyer fighting for your rights is absolutely essential. A criminal lawyer has the skills and expertise to defend you and will know the ins and outs of the justice system.

If authorities or prosecutors question you and your defense lawyer isn’t present, you could accidentally implicate yourself in a crime. If you have fallen into legal trouble and are wondering whether you should hire a criminal lawyer, visit this website and read on.

1. When You’re Charged With a Crime

If you have been charged with a crime, having a criminal lawyer to advise you is absolutely vital.

Usually, prosecutors and investigators will try to speak with you privately; however, they cannot stop you from having your criminal lawyer present. Hiring a criminal lawyer, such as those at the Tulsa Criminal Lawyers Law Firm, to be present at the meetings between you and the authorities will prevent you from saying something that would unintentionally incrimination yourself.

A criminal lawyer will also protect your rights and ensure the authorities act appropriately if you are called for a lineup – whether the lineup is in-person or from a photograph.

2. When Authorities Want to Question You

If you have been implicated in a crime, the authorities will contact you for questioning. If you are unsure of the process or your rights, being called in for questioning can be a tough situation.

A criminal lawyer will be able to weigh in on the matter – usually, they will advise you to avoid being interviewed in case you say something that could link you to the crime. You are also within your rights to have your lawyer present during every interaction you may have with the authorities – this is to prevent you from accidentally implicating yourself.

3. When You Are Deciding Whether to Go to Trial

If you are deciding whether to take your case to trial to defend yourself, speak to a criminal lawyer first. A defense lawyer will be able to give you expert advice and professional recommendations. If you are considering taking a plea deal, a criminal lawyer can evaluate your case and negotiate for you.

A man in a blue business suit holding hands in handcuffs in front of his chest- white collar or corporate crime

A criminal lawyer will also be able to advise you of the potential consequences if your case goes to trial – such as sentencing if you are found guilty or decide to plead guilty.

4. When Your Constitutional Rights Have Been Violated

A criminal lawyer will protect your constitutional rights if they have been violated during the investigation of your case.

Unconstitutional acts include searches without a warrant and a lack of probable cause. Your lawyer will defend you in court and could argue that you were treated unfairly, which could result in the prosecution not having enough evidence to proceed with the prosecution.

The Bottom Line

You need to have a good criminal lawyer to defend your rights – whether you’ve been implicated in a crime, charged, or called in for questioning.

Having a criminal lawyer on your side to fight for you will ensure that you are not treated unfairly, and it will also stop you from accidentally incriminating yourself. A criminal conviction, whether it’s a DUI or drug conviction, can have serious implications – so make sure you’re protected.

Image Source: BigStockPhoto.com (Licensed)

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