What have you done for your cats lately? Dangled a little jingly ball toy in front of their sweet feline faces? Greaaat. One cat lover in Goleta, California has dropped $35K on turning his home into every cat’s dream house. Okay, maybe some of that cash went to other renovations like the Koi pond. Built-in cat walks can be found throughout the entire 4-bedroom, 2.5 bath home home, making his kitties the most spoiled on the planet. Have fun at Petsmart this weekend.
Related Categories: Home, Pets & Animals
Can they do that for my home…in human size
I’m going to do it, but use crown molding since my furniture is more formal. LOL
It’s cool until they take a crap somewhere inaccesable.
Fine until you need to catch a kitty and it doesn’t want to be caught.