Everyone wants to live in a home with plenty of natural light. When a home is well lit, the space will feel larger. Being exposed to sunlight can help to regulate circadian rhythms, and it can improve your mental health as well. Of course, sunlight can also cause a number of issues.
UV rays are powerful, and they can damage your home in a number of ways. It could cause fabrics to fade or become discolored. Hardwood floors can even be damaged by the sun. While the sun might not shine as brightly when it’s raining, UV rays aren’t any less potent, which means sunlight can cause damage at any time.
People often believe that glass can shield them from UV rays, but it can only do much. Approximately 70% of UV rays will be allowed in by clear glass windows. Energy-efficient windows may provide slightly more protection, but UV rays will still be able to damage your home. That’s why it’s important to find a way to reduce the damage UV rays cause.
Window Treatments
One of the simplest ways to reduce the amount of light that gets into your home is to put up curtains or blinds. Exterior shutters are also an option. You can even place a colored film over your windows.
Some blackout curtains can keep virtually all light from entering your home. Other options will allow in more light while reducing the damage UV rays cause. Using curtains or blinds can also keep your house from becoming overheated during the summer. At first, when trying to come up with some ideas might be complicated. Once you have decided what to do next with your windows, the rest comes on its own. Also, it is always important to keep in mind that by installing, for instance, some elegant Venetian blinds, you are not only protecting your furniture but also enhancing the appearance of your indoors
When you’re at home, you can leave blinds or curtains open and enjoy plenty of natural light. When you’re out of the house, you can shut everything up so that your furniture will experience less sun damage overall.
Rearranging Your Furniture
If you have a piece of furniture that’s right next to a window that lets in a lot of light, it will be more prone to damage from the sun’s rays. This is especially likely to be true during the late morning and early afternoon, which is when the sun is at its brightest. If you simply rearrange your furniture and place it in areas that are shadier, you can significantly reduce this damage.
You should also take the time to move your furniture once or twice a year. That way, even if pieces fade in the sunlight, that fading will be distributed more evenly. If you have decorative items place on a piece of furniture, you’ll want to move them as well.
It’s wise to take a few protective measures if you plan on playing musical chairs with your furniture from time to time. Place gliders or sliders beneath your furniture so that you won’t scratch your floors as you rearrange things.
Use Protective Treatments
In the past, it was once common to place sun covers over the furniture in homes. When people were out of the home, large sheets were often placed over furniture. This practice is less common today, but the UV protection treatments available are far better than the treatments of the past. Instead of placing a sheet over your upholstered furniture, you can use a spray that is designed to provide protection.
There are also a number of ways and places like woodwhiz.com to get more information on how to protect wood furniture. Applying some sort of sealant can improve the appearance of the wood while providing essential protection. For the best results, the sealant will need to be re-applied periodically.
Choose Furniture That Is Less Likely To Be Damaged By The Sun
It’s important to protect the furniture in your home and outdoors, but you should look into preventative measures as well. When the furniture is made from darker wood grain, it’s more likely to show sun damage. With lighter wood grains, the damage is less visible, which means fewer problems for you.
Certain types of wood are more prone to issues than others. As an example, walnut tends to become lighter with regular sun exposure. Do research ahead of time so that you can find the best furniture for your home.
There are countless benefits to having plenty of natural sunlight in your home, but there are also consequences for UV exposure. If you’re prepared to deal with these problems, you’ll be able to enjoy the advantages of living in a home with lots of natural light while avoiding the drawbacks.
Image Source: BigStock.com (Licensed)
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