From 2017 to 2021, fire departments in the U.S. responded to an average of about 36,784 fires annually at manufacturing or industrial facilities. 

The National Fire Protection Association adds that the associated annual losses from these incidents totaled $1.5 billion in direct property damage. 

When running a business, you’ll want to ensure the safety of your business, assets, and workers. One way to do so is to have a properly working sprinkler system. Merely having one isn’t nearly enough. You need to know for certain that it’s in good working order…just in case.

Here are five signs it might be time to replace your company’s commercial sprinkler system.

  1. It’s Been Ages Since It Was Inspected

It’s essential to get the sprinkler system inspected at proper intervals. In fact, it’s a requirement, and you could get into trouble if you fall behind.

But if things fall between the cracks and you can’t recall when an inspection was last done, that’s an issue you must rectify. Inspections should be done quarterly to ensure the commercial sprinkler system is in working order should there be a fire on the premises.

Ensure you understand what your business is responsible for as it relates to the upkeep of your commercial sprinkler system. You might find, after discussing the matter with a provider of commercial sprinkler systems, that an upgrade is a good idea.

  1. It’s an Outdated Model

If you have an outdated model that no longer meets the regulatory codes in your area, that’s a reason to replace yours sooner rather than later. Commercial sprinklers are designed to last a long time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a shelf life. You don’t want to wait too long when there’s so much at stake. 

It’s worthwhile to contact a company that provides commercial sprinkler systems for an inspection and recommendations on how to proceed.

Remember that one commercial sprinkler system isn’t necessarily as good as another. So, research is key. When considering different options, look at the makes, models, and build quality. You’ll want to consider the components used to make the product — like a stainless steel pump that will provide a robust solution that performs as expected and lasts.

  1. It Requires Too Much Maintenance

Another telltale sign that your commercial sprinkler system is on its last legs, so to speak, is if it requires too much maintenance. If you’re calling a technician for help with the system far too often for your liking, it might be time to get a new commercial sprinkler system.

Otherwise, you might be throwing good money after bad, which is a good way to waste money on something you’ll have to replace sooner rather than later anyway. A commercial sprinkler system that should be replaced is a liability — and it’s a dangerous liability since it won’t protect against fires.

  1. It No Longer Fits an Upgraded Space

If your workplace has undergone upgrades or remodeling, it’ll be necessary to upgrade the commercial sprinkler system. The more extensive the work done, the more you’ll need to upgrade your commercial sprinkler system. So, if you’ve had work done after an inspection, upgrade your commercial sprinkler system to match the new spec of your commercial space. 

  1. Your Business Has Grown

Another reason to change your commercial sprinkler system is if your business has grown. If you’ve scaled up with more employees or lines of business, it might be necessary to revisit your existing commercial sprinkler system and add to it or change it altogether.

Your company’s sprinkler system is essential. But it won’t do you any good if it’s not in good shape. Knowing when to maintain, repair, or replace it is necessary.

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