When selecting the CBD flower that’s best for you, you may have come across companies boasting that they grow all their CBD flower outdoors. While this sounds appealing, it’s important to understand the key differences between the CBD products you are going to get as a result.

There is a lack of control over the environment when growing CBD outside, so the flower that is harvested at the end of the season is subject to the weather. If it’s a bad growing season, the flower will reflect that.

On the other hand, indoor CBD flower is more consistent, more potent, and sometimes even safer. When cultivators can control the environment, they can create conditions that produce the perfect plant.

Keep reading to learn more about indoor CBD flower vs. outdoor CBD flower: which is better

Optimal Lighting Conditions for Growing CBD Flower

Plants need varying amounts of sunshine. Tomatoes may need full sun, but your leafy greens will burn up before you can say “chef salad” if you plant them where they get no shade at all.

Growing CBD flower is similar. Making sure hemp is growing healthy and strong for tasty, potent results requires ensuring the lighting is optimal.

Outdoor CBD Flower

Outdoor CBD flower gets the full bounty of natural sunlight. The problem is that no one can control the weather, and some years are cloudier than others. Even growing CBD flower in the exact region where it is native can produce less than perfect flower if there are too many gray days in a season.

Indoor CBD Flower

Growing CBD flower indoors allows cultivators to make sure that their hemp is getting precisely the right amount of light for the strains they grow. This allows them to coach the plants into growing exactly as expected. Setting up differing indoor lighting zones also means cultivators can grow a larger variety of CBD flower to deliver the results you want.

Clean Water is Essential

CBD flower plants are bioaccumulators. This means that they are excellent at cleaning up their surrounding environment and soaking up all the toxins in the soil, air and water. It also means that those toxins build up in the plant, and become even more concentrated with processing.

Outdoor CBD Flower

Clean water has been a challenge to come by for decades. A recent study from Stockholm University even concluded that rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere in the world. When CBD flower is grown outside, it’s almost impossible to control the water that comes in, including potential toxic runoff from surrounding farms.

Indoor CBD Flower

With indoor plants, it’s easy to control all the water that comes in to feed them. Water can be filtered and even fortified with natural minerals that encourage healthy plant growth. No toxic buildup from rainwater falling through polluted air, and no pesticide and fertilizer runoff from surrounding farms.

Maximizing Potency: Encouraging Terpene and Cannabinoid Growth in CBD Flower

If you’ve ever talked to a gardening enthusiast, you know they have closely-held secrets to growing the juiciest watermelon or the sweetest apples. Plants require care and attention, and different growing conditions can produce vastly different results even in the same type of plant.

Outdoor CBD Flower

Environmental control is pretty much impossible when growing plants outside. You can select the amount of shade a plant gets, but you can’t control the number of sunny vs. cloudy days. You also can’t control water, temperature, breeze, or humidity when growing outside.

Indoor CBD Flower

Growing CBD flower inside means that there is complete control over all the factors that encourage potent cannabinoid and terpene development. Companies that grow the best CBD flower use science-backed techniques to control the environment and get the most powerful, effective results possible.

The Best Environment to Keep CBD Fresh and Pure

Anyone who has ever tried to grow cucumbers knows how important the surrounding environment is to the health of the plant. If the weather is too dry, it encourages aphids to take over. If the weather is too humid, downy mildew grows overnight.

Cookies with cannabis and buds of marijuana on the table. A can of cannabis buds CBD Concept of cooking with cannabis herb. - Medical Legal Marijuana

Outdoor CBD Flower

By now we’ve made it clear that outdoor plants are subject to outdoor conditions. Outdoor cultivators can’t do anything to remedy an especially humid summer, and they certainly can’t change anything if there is no breeze.

Indoor CBD Flower

Growing CBD flower inside gives cultivators the ability to create the best conditions that will prevent mold, mildew, bacteria, and pests. The right amount of airflow and humidity ensures that indoor CBD plants are getting exactly what they need to stay fresh and pure.

Image Source: BigStockPhoto.com (Licensed)


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