Once again, someone has upped the Bloody Mary game. This time it’s Vancouver bar Score on Davie. And boy did they really do it up. This Bloody Mary’s got roasted veggies, a pulled pork mac and cheese hot dog, chicken wings, a slider, a full fledged buger, an entire roasted chicken, and a brownie with BONUS whipped topping because: gluttony. LOLWUT? And here I thought spaghetti was supposed to be the Bloody Mary game ender. I mean, I still believe that to be true, it’s just taking a lot longer for all these bars to finally get there. It aint over till the fat lady sings. What’s she gonna be singing, you ask? ♫ Daaaaaamn yeeeeaaaaah spaghettiiiiiiii ♫
Related Categories: Food
It’s a Caesar, not a Bloody Mary.