This Pikachu charger makes me kinda uncomfortable. [Rocket24News]
Sesame Street parodies Orange is the New Black with a bit called Orange is the New Snack. PRIMO! [Rolling Stone]
Cowboy Beebop is getting a live-action TV series. [Nerd Approved]
The worst food fails of all food fails are so bad, they’re good. [Buzzfeed]
Speaking of fails, here are the best miniature fails. These are such tiny fails, they’re actually cute. [Tastefully Offensive]
Now, this video of a man’s cool waterslide move? It is not a fail. It is the opposite of a fail. It is a win, if you will. [Mashable]
Monty Python themed Monopoly is here now. [Geekologie]
A bird steals a fry directly from a teen’s mouth. [Digg]
20 hilarious reasons people didn’t go on second dates. [Pleated-Jeans]
Sooooo that’s what a pug’s skull looks like and now I will never look at a pug the same way ever again. [IFL Science]
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