The world’s largest fidget spinner. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [Laughing Squid]
21 perfectly timed photos will most likely make you LOL. No guarantees, though. There are no guarantees in life!! [Pleated Jeans]
One guy photoshops himself sleeping with celebs and it’s kinda cute actually. [Bored Panda]
This pigeon was caught smuggling Ecstasy pills in a tiny backpack. [Dangerous Minds]
A Millennium Falcon piano is selling on eBay. You know, in case you’re into that sort of thing. [Fashionably Geek]
These bubble face masks are kind of out of control and super hilarious. [Cosmo]
Wow. One fisherman’s big catch of the day was a bag of dildos. Some people have all the luck. [Digg]
New dream job: cat cuddler! [Mashable]
Kids play Beanboozled. I played that game once and LOST. (Lost, because I ate a jellybean that tasted like vomit. That’s losing in my book.) [Tastefully Offensive]
Watch two of the world’s deadliest snakes battle it out on a golf course and be glad they’re not coming after you. [NatGeo]
Dogs who are kinda smarter than people. [Sad and Useless]
Gonna be single forever? Sames. Here are some good memes about singledom so we can laugh the pain away. [Buzzfeed]
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