This is how many calories are in a human in case you were wondering. But also, that’s weird. You shouldn’t be wondering that. [The Verge]
Two words: cat wedding! Three words and an emoji: I wasn’t invited :( [The Dodo]
For those of us who are scared to check our respective bank accounts, here is a catchy little song for us. [Digg]
A roller skating rink in Los Angeles has a Harry Potter night. Accio roller skating skills! (Am I doing it right?) [Timeout]
This is what Bob Ross looks like to an AI on LSD. [Geekologie]
The science behind people who love to bake for other people. [Huffington Post]
A couple had their reception at In n Out. Love is real! Animal style is life! [Hello Giggles]
Behold! The Beastie Boys’ secret country album from the 90s. [Dangerous Minds]
Stop me if you heard this one: a horse was leaving Taco Bell and fell into a hole. IN REAL LIFE! [USA Today]
This link comes with a weirdly cryptic warning: Be careful ordering at restaurants. Spooky! [Pleated-Jeans]
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