As Apple revolutionized modern technology with its impressive smartphone innovation, several other companies have taken their products to a higher level without much public notice. Each of these fantastic mechanisms takes convenience and job efficiency to a whole new level.

It is easy to say that we do not need high-tech apparatuses to accomplish our daily tasks and agendas. But you have to admit that owning even just a few of these incredible instruments will definitely ease your day-to-day tasks. These wearable tech gadgets provide efficiency and convenience that you never thought you would need.

The Samsung Gear S3 LTE variant is a 4g standalone smartwatch, that lets you make and receive calls, text messages, and emails. It also tracks your fitness with a built-in GPS and heart rate monitor. With an always-on display, it’s easy to see what’s going on at a glance without having to wake up the watch or press any buttons. And it’s water resistant so you can wear it in the pool or shower!

MOTA SmartRing

A small but incredible alternative to an Apple or Android smartwatch––the MOTA SmartRing is a small apparatus providing the same convenience as a smartwatch. It can pair with iOS and Android, so you do not need to worry about compatibility. Get instant alerts from your emails, calendars, social events, calls, texts, even social media notifications.

MOTA SmartRing

Smartwatch runner athlete man looking at his wearable technology smart watch on morning outdoor run checking his heart rate data running workout jogging through city streets.


Hesitant to buy yourself the latest smartwatch? With Glance, quickly turn any watch that you own into a smartwatch. Attach this incredible piece of technology on any regular watch and receive calls, messages, and email notifications at a glance. Its minimalistic design offers a waterproof exterior and can last a week without charging.

Dash Headphones

Imagine a set of Bluetooth wireless headphones that not only allows you to answer your call but works as a workout assistant. This impressive wearable tech from Kickstarter called Dash Headphones has powerful and efficient sensor technology that measures your heart rate, counts your steps, and calories burned during a workout session.


Tired of Bluetooth? The smart compression sleeve from eSmartr offers 100% natural solutions for wellness, working as an easy way to reduce stress and increase focus. The real genius of the product is that it works through touch-based stimulation, and therefore requires no apps, no drugs, no Bluetooth, and no complicated setup – just slide on the sleeve to optimize your mental performance!


Adapt to the current COVID-19 situation that has compelled all society members to follow serious health protocols. Mask Fone reduces your need to take off your mask in public, keeping you safe from the virus and compliant with health protocols. Perform other tasks such as answering phone calls and listening to music with ease.

Google Contact Lense

This miniature wearable tech focuses on a health-related agenda. The idea behind this ingenious innovation is that the Google contact lens can monitor the wearer’s blood glucose level through their tears. The health implications that can contribute to patients suffering from diabetes are endless. However, it is still up for development and improvements.

Nod Bluetooth Ring

A small but powerful device named the Nod Bluetooth Ring. This incredible instrument possesses the ability to control smartphones and home appliances with ease. It can also write texts by drawing letters in the air. Pair this Bluetooth ring with your other devices, compatible with Apple and Android smartphones.

These impressive wearable tech gadgets are just some out of hundreds of technological innovations currently in progress. It is remarkable what Science has done to improve our quality of living. Scientists have gone a long way from the beginning of modernization. Today, we still see impressive innovations contributing to society’s health and wellness.

Despite the rapid progression of technology, humans must always remember to not become too dependent upon these instruments. Technology is a gift that allows us to live a more comfortable life. Therefore, we should remain in control of our choices and moral decisions.

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