Fashion is always changing but sometimes you have to wonder if everything’s already been done… but some how clothing designers never stop amazing us with the outrageous and crazy clothing they design, from festival two piece outfits to crazy dresses to cute back to school outfits. We tracked down some of the most outrageous outfits ever made!
Cheeseburger DressTable of Contents Our mouths are watering over the amount of detail in this tasty dress. Ironically to look this good in the Cheeseburger dress, the model probably doesn’t eat too many cheeseburgers herself. This dress designed to look like a deluxe cheeseburger comes off as sexy as it does… cheesy. Check out more food-inspired fashions |
Condom DressFrom a distance this might look like a pretty flowery dress you’d wear out on a nice summer day, but upon further inspection you realize it’s not exactly safe for work. The dress features thousands of condoms with a variety of different colors. And don’t worry, the condom supply didn’t take any hits because these are all defective, so literally the only thing the condoms on this dress are good for is to remind you to bring one. You might also like the condom pillow |
Skittles Wrapper DressSure, you’ve tasted the rainbow, but have you ever worn the rainbow? The skittles dress came to be when one teen wanted to wear something a bit different to prom that reflected her fun personality. Made from 101 skittles wrappers, this dress resulted in a lot of ooohs and ahhhs (not to mention cavities). |
Toilet Paper DressIf you’re planning a wedding on a budget, it doesn’t get much cheaper than making a wedding dress out of toilet paper. This might be worth hanging on to for when you have kids, since as a mom you’re basically a human napkin anyway. Luckily the maker of this dress isn’t doomed to wear 2-ply on her wedding day, she actually won $1000 from Cheap Chic Weddings so she could afford to buy something a little less absorbent and a little more exorbitant. |
Chocolate Lindor DressWe’ve seen dresses made from recycled materials and trash, but this Chocolate Lindor Dress features actual chocolate, not just wrappers. The dress contains 1000 Lindt chocolate balls (at a total of 79,000 calories) and is covered with Swarovski crystals, making this the richest dress ever made in terms of taste and style. |
Cream Puff DressWe’ve seen outfits that resemble food, and outfits that contain food, but a wedding dress made out of cream puffs? That’s a lot of dough… actually it’s a lot of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel. This 20 lb dress seriously brings new meaning to the phrase “looks good enough to eat.” Even the crown and necklace are edible, made of caramelized sugar. |
Camo Illegal Entry Dress TentWe’ve seen a lot of weird products, but this one is waaay up their on our list. Despite being camouflage, this dress will definitely get you noticed. No, this isn’t your traditional tent dress. The Camouflage Dress Tent is more functional as an actual tent than a dress. Although we imagine anyone who tries to enter will get a swift kick to the face… depending on how mobile the wearer actually is under there. |
Bird Feather DressSometimes we commoners just don’t get high fashion. We’re just not sophisticated enough to understand why Victoria Beckham wants to look like Big Bird. Clearly it’s a statement about the sensuality of birds or something. Much like Big Bird, it seems that she can’t extend her arm-like wings very far from her feathered body, which is a statement about the frailty of birds. No wait, maybe it’s not us, it’s her that’s incredibly stupid. |
Fiber Optic ClothesEveryone wants to stand out on the dance floor, but light up tops may be a bit too flashy. LumiTops display fiber optic battery powered light that will make your glow sticks look dull. Be careful not to even fold this garment or you’ll lose the fiber optic effect, and as far as we know despite the amount of technology involved, clothing doesn’t come with a warranty. |
Chain Mail T-shirtApparently, chain mail is the new black. You can wear it with anything and at any occasion. That is, as long as you don’t mind people thinking you are completely nuts. Made especially for the casual warrior, chain mail t-shirts will probably only really protect you from getting dates. |
FEMA Tarp Bustier and SkirtOnly the resilient city of New Orleans could take a disaster and turn it into a Mardi Gras fashion show. This blue FEMA tarp bustier and skirt was created as part of a charity auction, which finally put FEMA in a position to actually help people. The outfit might not protect you from a hurricane, but we imagine it would keep you pretty dry. |
Weird Men’s Smock ThingyThis outfit by Austrian designers Wendy and Jim reminds us of one of those horrible smocks you had to wear in elementary school art class—it’s hideous and covered in crap. Also, you wouldn’t want to wear it in public. We’re not really sure where the standard collar and tie fit in with the rest of this disaster, but maybe that’s part of what makes this ensemble so strange. |
Swan DressIt’s one thing to wear a feathered dress, but it’s a whole other to wear a dress that actually looks like a bird, head and all. Meant to sort of make fun of the whole Oscar fashion scene, Bjork’s ridiculous dress has certainly made a splash… even Ellen wore one to host the Emmy Awards! |
Yarn Ball SweaterThis looks more like something the cat dragged in (or coughed up) than a cashmere sweater. On the bright side it would match a lot of different outfits seeing as it contains almost every color possible, but at the end of the day you’d still be wearing one of the ugliest sweaters ever made. Also, we imagine you’d attract a lot of kittens. |
Future Ring DressMaking yet another appearance on our outrageous outfit list, Victoria Beckham is back with something from the future. The silver rings look like something straight out of a bad futuristic sci-fi movie, but it’s really the shoes that make (or perhaps break) the outfit. Check out those unnaturally pointy heels! If you thought normal high heels make it hard to walk, these have got to mess up your sense of balance. No wonder she’s holding on to a pole to stay upright. |
Partial JacketFashion statement or way to keep a synthetic arm in place? Okay we know fashion doesn’t have to be practical, but does it really need to be this asymmetrical and ridiculous? Will you have to check this at the door or will we have to start defining jackets in terms of fractions? |
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Duct Tape Prom Dress and TuxThese outfits would be pretty crazy to wear out to prom no matter what they’re made of… but the fact that they are made from 100% duct tape really adds to the strangeness. These loud outfits were created to win a scholarship contest and feature many colors and layers of duct tape that make an entire natural wetlands scene. |
Camouflage Vending Machine SkirtJapan is known for doing everything over the top, including fashion. Designer Aya Tsukioka created a line of camouflage clothing. This skirt converts into soda vending machine disguise. The idea follows the lines of something you’d see in a cartoon, and hopefully if you’re being pursued your stalker is not smarter than an animated character and won’t notice you feet sticking out of the bottom of this wacky disguise. |
Bird Cage DressWow, looks like one flew over the cuckoo’s nest when designing this crazy get up. The cage skirt would almost pass for a statement about women’s fashion in the past and those ridiculous bird cage dress frames… but then what does the nest on her head say? It says your nuts for wearing this, that’s what it says. |
Umbrella SkirtCome on? Is this really from a fashion show or a crazy costume contest? We’re all for weird products but this bizarre upside down umbrella ensemble looks more like something my mom sewed for a middle school costume contest than the latest trend in high fashion. Imagine if you actually wore this while it was raining you’d be stuck in the middle of a pool of water. |
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haha these are hilarious are they real?
i have to say, i would definately consider the vending machine camo dress.
for my wedding of course.
my husband would wear the mens weird smock thingy..
omg! that was soo funny about all the weird and strange dresses that they were stupied to wear if it was in public haha.
WOW! All of those are so creative. I love them all so much. I wish I could be half as creative as some of those people. Maybe when I am a famous fashion deisgner, you will see some of my work and I can garentee that I have has insperation from these clothes.