Ooh, I guess I should have used APEshit in the title since primates are like, mega into bananas. Bats? I dunno what bats like. Darkness? Shrieking? Is Batman their dad? It’s one of life’s mysteries I guess. Youtuber Vanessa Aparicio posted this video of her nephew who for henceforth will be known as Banana Kid. It’s a tale as old as time:
It was mothers day and all the moms had opened up their gifts and he felt left out so we decided to prank him and put a banana in one of the gift bags. We excepted him to get mad but this was his reaction lol
LOL indeed, Vanessa! Thank you for sharing, because this made me so damn happy. Plus, inspired me to eat a banana. That’s a big dealio! Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve voluntarily eaten any fruits or vegetables? Well, that depends: do you count lettuce on a burger? Tomato sauce on a pizza? Snakes on a Plane? Because that last one is a movie and I have seen it TWICE. I want my $14 back!
Related Categories: Food, Kids, Video