Currently, the entire world is facing the challenges triggered by COVID-19 (Coronavirus). To flatten the curve of the virus and to lessen the spread, leading health experts and governments everywhere are asking people to stay inside as much as possible, and to avoid hanging out in public spaces.
By now, most of us are aware that socializing is basically restricted to social media and other online platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype. Just because we can’t physically hang out with loved ones doesn’t mean we can’t see them in the virtual world!
Do you consider yourself to be somewhat of an online influencer? Are you someone with a strong online presence and a well-connected group of friends and colleagues? To promote the importance of social distancing and why it’s essential to stay home right now, why not create an online campaign to spread the word to your followers? There are still a few people out there who might not understand the essential need for everyone to stay inside — perhaps if they heard it from you, they’d have more incentive to do so!
Take a look at how, even from home, you can build a successful online promotional campaign and contribute to the ongoing conversation around COVID-19 and flattening the curve.
Make T-shirts
Despite being home 24-7, generally, people still need to put some clothes on. And you know what’s a comfortable article of clothing that almost everyone loves? T-shirts!
Consult with a custom screen-printing t-shirt company such as Prints Canada to create a bold statement and design that will attract the attention of your followers. A catchy slogan that encapsulates “stay home” with an appealing design might be just the ticket to boost morale among your online community. Post a photo or video of yourself and close friends wearing the t-shirt on your favorite social media pages and create a hashtag to accommodate it that will grab people’s attention.
As the campaign gains popularity and more people start wearing the shirt you designed, people will feel connected and unified, and it will bring your community together during a difficult and isolating time.
Promote Activity via Live Online Videos
OK — so maybe you’re not the world’s best chef or an award-winning fitness instructor (yet), but if you put yourself out there by conducting live activities for your followers at home, people will see that staying home can be fun.
Many people are scheduling events like Instagram Live sessions where they’ll cook a meal, engage in a yoga workout, or even give instructions on how to make the perfect “quarantini.” These live events engage with people in real-time, and this type of interaction is particularly beneficial to those who live alone. It provides a link to the outside world and unites people in a positive manner.
By setting an example, onlookers will look forward to your daily updates and want to follow suit by engaging in-home activities, too.
At this time, no one can say when this quarantining is going to end, so, right now, it’s best to prepare for the long haul. Demonstrate to your followers how important it is to stay at home and create an impactful online campaign with customized, printed t-shirts and fun, online tutorials!
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Related Categories: Home, Health, Reviews, Work