It’s no secret that people love CBD. You almost certainly have a friend or family member that uses the stuff and whether its their birthday, a special occasion, or you just want to do something nice, when its gift giving time, they would love nothing more than some CBD. There are a huge variety of brands such as Lazarus Naturals that offer a huge selection of top tier products to choose from.
With so many awesome brands and products on the market it can be difficult to figure out what your best option is. Do you pick them up? Do they love to vape CBD, and if so what type of rig do they use? This list will help you figure out what type of CBD gift to give based on thoughtfulness and a willingness to do a bit of leg work. If you’re looking for the perfect CBD gift, hang tight because this list is going to get you there!
Be Thoughtful
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This is probably the number one rule with any gift you give. Ultimately it’s the thought that counts. Imagine that you were friends with a person who had 100 million dollars in the bank. That would be awesome because it would be insanely fun to go to their house. It would also mean that ultimately your gift means nothing to them beyond the intention with which it was given. They can buy whatever they want, so really it is the thought that counts.
Imaginary wealthy friends aside, it is still important to be thoughtful. Think about your friend and what they like to do. If you see your buddy lathering up with lotion all the time and you know that they love CBD, maybe try getting them some CBD infused lotion or a topical of some sort. If your pal is more into zoology or occult ornithology and has no interest in CBD, then maybe try getting them some CBD gummies anyway and telling them it’s good for them. If you are truly close friends you probably think you know what’s best for each other anyway, so be a good pushy friend and make that slovenly goat take care of themselves for once.
Who’s It For?
It is important to consider who you are purchasing this CBD for. If you are purchasing it for a lover, you might try something a bit more intimate than CBD gummies. Instead, pick up some sexy CBD lube. No joke, it’s out there, and it’s magical. If you are looking for the perfect CBD gift for your lover, no matter what type of lover it is, that’s the one.
On the other hand, if you are purchasing this gift for grandma, you should probably try something different than what you’d get your lover. Grandmas love CBD energy shots. This is such common knowledge that it could almost be considered a fact. Grannies get bored from time to time, and CBD infused energy shots are just the thing to get them going. Be careful though, if you get granny too riled up and she starts hitting the town, you might have to consider getting her one of the aforementioned gifts as well!
A Little Research Goes A Long Way
With CBD a little bit of research goes quite a long way. There are countless different brands and products available on the market and the whole thing can be a bit like shooting in the dark if you don’t educate yourself first. Fortunately, this is incredibly easy to do. Simply find a product you are interested in purchasing as a gift, then take a look at some customer reviews.
This may sound too simple to be a valid form of research but really, it’s good enough, it’s not like the CBD is for you anyway. If you do really care about the person, you can check out lab reports as well. All jokes aside, the combination of customer reviews and lab reports can provide a wealth of useful information and each are incredibly valuable sources of information.
The Good The Bad And The Ugly
There are good gifts, bad ones, and ugly ones. When I think of a good gift, I think of one that is thoughtful, generous, and will offer the person an enjoyable useful experience. When I think of a bad gift, I think of one that seems like it was meant for someone else. One that has a bad smell, or tastes a little off. I was always taught that bad gifts should immediately be thrown on the floor so the gift-giver knows how much they have offended you. No one gives me gifts anymore.
Ugly gifts gifts are in a league of their own. Ugly gifts can be simple or complex, they can be physically beautiful with the illest of intent, or they can be hideously ugly with the best and meant to bring joy. All of the ugly gifts I have received have been malicious and caused great emotional trauma.
When it’s all said and done, no matter what type of CBD gift you’re looking for, remember to be thoughtful, and consider who it is for, you’ll be sure to give the best CBD gift ever!
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The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or an alternative to information from healthcare practitioners. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.
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