Etsy shop Su Ami is selling the teensiest crocheted animals ever. If they were any smaller you’d need a magnifying glass! You can have a tiny little thing of your very own, but they come at a big price. In fact, the smaller the figure, the more it costs! Just like real life. I mean, just like real life isn’t. Fixed it!
Related Categories: Toys & Games
I totally love this. I like doing crochet, so I’m going to try to do an elephant :3
I’d love the patterns!
wow these are fantastic – I think I might know someone who could make some for me, I’ll have to ask VERY nicely
where would you get the pattern from???? or would you just use the normal size pattern but use the smallest hook & yarn????
Amazing and beautiful work
I love it so much
They are so so so so cute!
can you do me one?
are you here?
are you there?
what is your name?
what are you doing?
plz teach me how to do
are they 50 apiece or 50 for a bounch of them, there adorable!