Do you require investing a substantial amount of time in cleaning and maintaining your guns and hours to get rid of the oil and solvent stains from the surface where the procedure is conducted? Does the task take almost the entire day and leaves you with no energy to manage other things? Do you avoid indulging in this extensive procedure frequently because it exhausts you to the core? Well, if the answer to all the aforementioned questions is yes then chances are that you are missing out on one essential item that is needed to conduct this task smoothly and quickly. Read on to find out as to what it is, how to use it and also how it makes this tedious procedure simpler!
Gun Maintenance Pad – To Save Time and Energy
Gun maintenance mats, also referred to as cleaning mats, are an essential tool that every gun owner must use. This item makes the whole procedure absolutely simple. Here is how:
Speed Up the Task
This simple and handy item can speed up the whole procedure mainly because it shuns the need to indulge in extensive cleansing post the gun cleaning and maintenance task. All you require doing is to spread the mat on the surface before starting with the procedure. The solvents, oils, patches, damp cloth, cleaning rod and various other things required to tidy up your firearms can conveniently be kept on this mat.
These mats are made of heavy duty material which is oil and solvent resistant. As these liquids spill on the mat during the cleansing process they do not get absorbed and there is absolutely no chance of incurring a stain. You can simply take a soft cloth and wipe them off.
Once the task is complete, you can simply take a damp cloth and run it gently on the mat to clean it. Alternatively, you can soak the mat in lukewarm water mixed with mild detergent for around 10-15 minutes, rinse it with fresh water and let it dry before you store it back. Isn’t it simple? You no longer have to make an effort to get rid of the oil stains from the surface.
Perform the Procedure Efficiently
Maintenance pads also help in conducting the procedure more efficiently. These are sturdy and fix well to the floor. Besides, your guns and gun vise don’t slip away during extensive cleaning process if you place them on this heavy duty pad. Some of these even come with instructions to help you perform the task in a more systematic manner.
Carry it Along
If you have this mat handy, you don’t have to waste time looking for an exclusive space to clean and maintain your rifles when you are out for a sports event or shooting game. You can simply spread the mat on any even surface and clean/ oil your firearms. These mats are light weight and can be easily rolled which makes them portable.
So, what are you waiting for? Go look for a good quality gun maintenance pad to quicken the cleaning procedure.
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