If you have realized that addiction is starting to become a problem for you, it can be hard to know what to do. Should you try and attack it alone? Should you tell your friends? It is a very daunting and scary moment when you first understand how addiction has taken some form of control over your life. However, there are many, many ways you can seek help if you are struggling with addiction. Read on to find out what experts in the fields of drug and alcohol recovery have told us about the different ways you can get help when struggling with addiction.
Take The First Step
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Without a doubt, the hardest part of struggling with addiction is realizing you have a problem and admitting it to yourself and others. This is the hardest and first step towards recovery. It is more than normal to feel anxious or worried about letting others know about your issues as well as admitting it to yourself. But, once you allow yourself to be honest with yourself and others, everything else can start falling into place and the wheels can start turning on your alcohol or drug recovery journey. Remember, there is no reason to feel ashamed or nervous about admitting these things, you are not alone, there are so many people out there to help you.
Check into Addiction Treatment
Now, this can be a daunting prospect as well, but one of the most proven ways to tackle addiction problems is by checking yourself into a treatment centre. There is no need to fear addiction treatment centers, they are full of other people going through the same things as you and specialist staff there to help you. Many of the staff and teachers at treatment centers are in recovery themselves and are there working after receiving treatment themselves. They are there to share their knowledge and help you work through your addiction issues one day at a time with a variety of classes, group sessions, and one-to-one therapy sessions. A successful stay in the Cottonwood treatment center is usually around four weeks, however some live-in rehab programs last up to 60 or 90 days.
Attend A Program
If you can’t see yourself checking into a rehab center, but know you need some help, maybe attending a program in your own time could be better for you. It will be better if you enroll yourself with your partner in a couples rehab. Couples can provide mutual support to each other and a speedy recovery becomes possible with same goals for recovery among the partners. Programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous follow the 12-step program. In these programs you will attend weekly meetings, share your stories, and follow the 12-step guide to beat addiction. Although you will not be doing it alone, you do need considerably more willpower to follow a program and avoid life’s distractions and temptations while out in the world. In most programs, you will have a sponsor. Your sponsor is someone who has been through the program before and is further down the line of recovery. They will be your personal aide when things get tough.
Seek Counselling
Of course, counselling is always an option for any personal issues you may have, addiction included. A counsellor will work with you in similar ways to the rehab center staff, helping dig to the bottom of whatever issues have led you to addiction. They will talk to you one-to-one in private sessions, ask you questions, and offer you advice. Many counsellors will be able to help, though some specialise more in the field of addiction and mental health. Again, you will need to see them regularly whilst carrying on your normal life and not falling victim of your addictions.
Speak To Your Friends And Family
Finally, and very importantly, it is much, much easier to beat addiction with the help of friends and family. Having support and a shoulder to lean on when you are struggling is invaluable. We understand it can be extremely hard to be open and honest with the ones you love regarding addiction. But, once you’ve got it out in the open you will be able to reach out for help whenever you need it. Going through any of the above treatment options entirely alone is considerably harder than doing it with the support of your loved ones. Who knows, they may have even struggled with similar demons.
One of these options will be perfect for you to start attempting to deal with your addiction issues. If it doesn’t work the first time, don’t be disheartened, just get back into the same – or a different – treatment program (like Recovery Delivered in Ohio). You can and will deal with your addiction. The only way to know that you can do it is by admitting the problem and starting to seek help today.
Image Source: BigStockPhoto.com (Licensed)
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