Jim Wolf is a U.S. Army Veteran who’s had a tough life — for decades he’s battled alcoholism, poverty, and homelessness. Triple whammy. So Dégagé Ministries, an organization dedicated to helping the homeless, decided to give Jim an extreme makeover. Filmmaker Rob Bliss shot the whole thing and here’s a timelapse showing the process. The result is really astonishing. I’m not easily shocked (I’ve stuck a paper clip in a socket more times than I can count, at this point I am basically immune), but wow. Just wow. And the transformation isn’t just a physical one, the experience has affected Jim positively in other areas, too: he’s no longer living on the streets and is tackling his alcohol addiction. Plus, well, let’s be honest, he’s probably got a lot of ladies a-knocking. You know, ♫ ’cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man! ♫
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Hope you are okay!!! Brought tears to my eyes!!