The bane of every Instagrammer is the follower who unfollows your content. Losing followers is not only disheartening, but it’s something every social media user has to face at one point or another. People either get bored with the content, outgrow the page or become disinterested, or dislike the general direction in which the page and its content are headed. Keeping followers isn’t rocket science, but it does involve a little bit of extra effort to ensure your content is performing at its best and making your followers happy. Here is how to keep your followers from unfollowing your Instagram page and how to keep them around for the long-term.
Buy Followers
Buying Instagram followers is a practice that can help you fill those gaps and boost your followers overnight or over a short period of time. If you find you’re losing followers, plugging the hold by purchasing active Instagram followers can help you get back on track and prevent your page from losing the traction you’ve worked so hard from. Just be careful not to fall for a scam service that sells bot accounts!
Emotional Connection
People follow content that they connect with, and the best way to ensure you’re connecting people with our content is by invoking an emotion; whether it’s joy, sorrow, empathy, humor, anger, compassion…you get the idea.
Invoking emotions helps those followers return to your page to meet that emotional need, and thus prevents them from unfollowing because your content is more compelling than the next guy’s. Differentiating yourself with compelling content makes it easy for followers to decide between you and the competition.
How do you create an emotional connection with your followers? It’s simple; you need to study your audience. Figure out who your audience is, what moves them, and how you can include that in your content. Making people laugh is a simple way to keep people engaged, as humor is pretty much a universal language. The important thing to remember is that your humor needs to be unique to your content, or else it could get lost among the countless other attempts at the craft.
You can also opt for content that’s a bit more intense, and perhaps invokes an emotion like anger or sorrow. Empathy is a powerful motivation that can compel people to act in a certain way, and if you’re say, an activist page, you’ll want this emotion to be the key ingredient in your content. Getting your followers to feel for your cause is the best way to ensure they’ll support it and stick around for the future.
Quality Content
There seems to be a misconception that the more you post on Instagram, the more followers you’ll attract, and this simply isn’t true. Quality beats quantity in just about any social media setting, and especially so on Instagram.
According to ViralRace, the higher the quality of your content, the fewer followers you’re going to lose over time. People want high-quality content they can enjoy, not a new post every day that’s mediocre at best. Your followers will be able to tell immediately when a drop in quality occurs in your content, so be sure to maintain a standard for what you’re posting.
Posting sub-quality content can make a follower feel like you don’t care about your audience or your craft, and once they’ve made that judgment, it’s pretty difficult to reel them back in. Keep things at the same level of quality, or, if you must change, go up instead of down. Maybe you need to improve the quality of your content right now because a drop in quality is what’s making them abandon ship!
Quality content is what makes Instagram a favorite in the social media world, and the pages with the most followers offer nothing less than the best content they can deliver. If you’re going to make a living out of posting on Instagram, or you’re posting on behalf of your business, you have an obligation to your brand and yourself to post high-quality content.
If your old formula isn’t working, it’s time to change it up. If no one seems to be interested in your content, you might want to consider a different approach or even different content altogether.
Reach out to your followers, ask them what kind of content they’d like to see, how you can improve, and whether or not you’re meeting their needs. Understand that you won’t always be able to meet everyone’s needs, but if you can get a better idea of what your followers expect from you, you can create better content for them. If you feel you are running out of new ideas, be sure you can have an inexpensive boost on Instagram growth with CheapIGFollowers and have a day out, then come back with an open mind a fresh line of thinking.
On top of posting high-quality content, you need to keep things consistent. Setting up a posting schedule will help followers know what to expect from your page and when to expect it.
Followers are much more likely to unfollow a page if the posting is sporadic. You can’t two months without posting anything and then post something every day for a week. It’s confusing and can be quite obnoxious!
Keep your schedule consistent at home as well, or wherever you do your creating. Set time apart from your days to ensure you’re going to get content posted, and make sure you’re not just posting anything. This leads to that slip in quality we talked about, and if followers expect a certain level of quality in your content, you’re not being consistent.
If you’re busy during the week, take a few hours during the weekend to create your content and schedule it for Monday mornings or even Sunday nights. This will help reduce some of the stress associated with trying to push content mid-week and can help you get back on track with an easy-to-follow schedule for your followers.
Losing followers is completely normal on Instagram, but when they start leaving in droves, it’s time to take a closer look at what you’re doing wrong. Don’t be afraid to ask your followers what they’re looking for from your page, and be sure to be honest in your own self-reflection for the best results.
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