Despite being a controversial topic, cannabis (marijuana) has been gathering positive feedback from society for a while now. Considering how some states have already legalized it, only time can tell when the rest of the world can see its benefits. Because while it helps soothe most of your worries and anxieties, it’s also believed that its effects could benefit your physical body and may even help improve a health condition (within limitations).
Some users typically aim for the relief they get from intaking the drug. Since many would claim that taking a joint is a much more lowkey experience, experienced users might come looking for something stronger. And perhaps, that’s how they get started in dabbing. Since it generally consists mostly of a high THC concentration, this active ingredient from marijuana can cause a far more robust reaction from its user.
An Overview Of Dabbing
To consume marijuana, users would generally take some of its flowers to put it on a piece of paper for them to roll up and light. In contrast to its simple method, vaporizers would need a few more steps to get right where you want them to be. While they can’t be activated without heat the same way cannabis does, dabs still need to be approached differently.
Instead of applying fire directly to the substance, you ‘dab’ it on a heated surface so you can inhale its remissions. Traditional dabber boxes – or dab rigs – utilize this method by using the following tools:
- Pipe
- Nail
- Dome
- Blowtorch
- Wand
Because of how significant each piece is, even altering one of them can impact your entire experience. For example, if you heat your nail at an extremely high temperature using your blow torch, it can quickly vaporize the dab or Cannabidiol (CBD) concentrate. As a result, you now have a dense vapor to breathe in.
However, new dab users are often discouraged from trying this out for their first try since many claims that this kind of vapor ‘tastes worse’ than dabs heated at low temperatures. Furthermore, adding to its taste is how harsh it’ll be for your lungs. Hence, the high heat can surely deliver a stronger punch that can leave newbies staggering. Therefore, start with low-heat dabs if you want to settle into dabbing. From there, you could still feel its positive benefits and effects taking hold.
How To Choose The Best Rig
Since dabbing isn’t as well-known as smoking a joint, you’re bound to encounter a few challenges getting your hands on the right vaporizers, particularly dabber boxes. After all, as mentioned earlier, if even one of those parts were altered, it can influence your dabbing experience.
Therefore, you need to know what to look for since you can’t afford to have low-quality equipment ruining your dabs.
- The Smaller, The Better
Design-wise, some dabber boxes’ water chambers and the typical bong are similar, especially in their spherical shapes. Despite these, their differences can set apart their user’s experiences. Since they’re breathing in gas, their external and internal temperatures are much easier to change. Without anything solid acting as a buffer, the temperature inside the dabber box and bong is quick to leave.
However, this isn’t a big deal since bong users possess a bowl and their device. Using this, they can hold another flower before lighting it and create a fresh smoke plume-like as if nothing happened. So, whether they’re big or small, there’s no way its users could lose the heat as long as they have a spare flower to light up.
On the other hand, larger pipes are far from ideal for dabber boxes. Since it’s common knowledge for vapor to condense upon cooling, having too much space will allow that to occur. Hence, large chambers catalyze the dab’s faster cooldown. Therefore, it’s safe to say that smaller pipes are much more ideal if you want to retain their heat.
- A Specific Nail For The Job
If you’re wondering where exactly you put dabs, the nail is what you’re looking for. Although it looks a lot more like a little dipper instead of a nail, this is where dabs are placed for its remissions to travel through a passageway and into the rig’s mouthpiece. However, for that to happen, extreme heat must be utilized.
Compared to the simple flick of a lighter and a flower, dabs are almost similar to wax in how dense they are. That’s why, instead of a lighter, you need a blowtorch to heat the nail. Therefore, its material should hold up against high heat, lest it shatters after a few minutes of aiming the torch at it.
Typically, nails are made of the same material as the rest of the kit: metal, glass, or ceramic. Admittedly, glass leans more toward the traditional setup, but its effectiveness as a heat-resisting material has been proven repeatedly. Therefore, all you need to do is look for a brand that manufactures high-quality ones.
- Ease Of Clean Up And Maintenance
At first glance, a dabber box seems to have far too intricate accessories for you to enjoy. However, as long as there are simple instructions to follow and a just-as-easy design, you’ll get used to it over time.
However, no amount of simplicity can save your rig from how messy condensation and concentration are. So, alongside a simple design, having the necessary cleaning supplies is a must to keep any lingering vapors from affecting the flavor.
Some people indulge in cannabis because of the sensations and relief it delivers. And as long as it’s within healthy limitations, you’d get to experience its known positive effects and benefits.
However, if you’re curious about how other cannabis products would taste, dabs should be high up your list. And the best way to revel in it is with the best dabber box on the market.
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Marijuana is a Controlled Substance under the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 802) (“CSA”) and the cultivation, distribution, and possession of marijuana is a crime under federal law. Keep all marijuana and marijuana products out of reach of children and animals. Intoxicating effects of marijuana and marijuana products may be delayed. Use of marijuana while pregnant or breastfeeding may be harmful. Consumption of marijuana and marijuana products impairs your ability to drive and operate machinery, please use extreme
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