Buddha is a cat. A cat that — how do I put this lightly? He’s uh, big boned. Plump. Hefty. Curvy. He’s got a little extra meat on his bones. Let’s just say he’s been well fed. Like, really really well. For a long time. Aw hell, who am I kidding this cat’s fat as hell. Morbidly obese. The big kitty has been put on an exercise regime that consists of walking on an underwater treadmill. It seems to be serving Buddha pretty well — he’s gone from a round 31.4 pounds to a svelte 27.9 pounds. His goal weight? About 20 pounds. But Buddha, by then you’ll just be skin and bones! Skin and bones and a lot of loose, furry skin.
Thanks to my big brother who sent me the tip. He knows what I like. Anything that involves a fat cat walking on a treadmill. And Taco Bell.
Related Categories: Pets & Animals, Video
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well with that belly, Buddha is a good name.
Im surprised hes not freaking out being in water. They should make his owners walk a treadmill.