What is a residential detox program? Many people have a preconception of what it is and how it will work, but those presumptions can result in a person missing out on a lot of specifics.
This is an understandable mistake to make. Anyone who is in the midst of addiction, either through enduring it themselves or watching a loved on go through it, is going to look rather closely at any supposed treatment. As well they should—there are plenty of snake oil salesmen out there. But what makes residential detox programs stand out is their scientific backing.
Addiction is a chemical process. It changes how the addict’s body works, or at least how the addict’s brain thinks their body works. And because of that, almost all of the side effects of detox can be addressed medically. The only ones that can’t are the emotional side effects.
And even then, the therapy an addict can receive through residential detox programs is both scientifically and socially driven. This allows it to be responsive to both the fact that the addict is a complex chemical system, as well as the fact that they are a person in a unique struggle.
But all of that can be lost on you if you do not know how it works. So, let’s go over some of what makes a residential detox program function, and some of the merits of it.
The Medical and Detox Side of Things
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Generally speaking, this is the part of residential detox that people are the most aware of but the least familiar with. That is to say that people know that residential detox involves medical treatment, but they are not sure what medical treatment they will be getting exactly.
Since the focus is on detox, the substances used will depend on the addiction. Opioid and heroin addicts will be getting methadone and other low-strength opioids. These are designed to curb cravings without actually doing anything to get the addict high.
For alcohol, anxiolytics are more common. If you know anything about these kinds of medications, then you know that these are highly temporary measures. That is because they are meant to get a person through the first stage of withdrawal without having seizures or dying.
And since we are on the topic, while seizures are uncommon one of the main focuses of residential detox programs is that you have medical staff nearby you that know how to respond to a seizure.
The Residential Side of Things
Now that we have mentioned the medical staff, we can expand on that by talking about what it means for a detox program to be “residential” in the first place. There are a lot of misconceptions about this, as some people worry that they will essentially be prisoners.
That could not be further from the truth. Residential detox means that you will have a temporary living space at a detox center. You are not confined to that detox center. In fact, you can go on living your normal life during the day. You only return to the detox center for treatment.
We mentioned seizures earlier. That is a medical condition that serves as a good example as to why a person might need to live in their detox center, as a seizure can happen during the night while they are sleeping and require immediate medical intervention.
Hallucinations and heart conditions can also serve as good reasons as to why one might need medical staff to be nearby them at all times. But these accommodations are meant to be both voluntary and temporary. So, you can leave at any time and get help at any time.
The “Program” Side of Things
That just leaves the program itself to talk about. It is called a “program” because like a 12-step program it follows a set schedule. When you check into a residential detox facility you will be expected to at least try to get clean. This means that you do not bring any of your vice with you.
It also means that you accept the help that is being offered. To some people that sounds easy, but for many it is harder than you might expect. This is especially true when it comes to therapy.
Now, let’s make one thing clear: You are not going to be removed from a detox facility for failing to attend therapy. But you will be encouraged and reminded of the opportunities and benefits afforded by therapy. This is because therapy is critical to recovery.
No one conquers drug or alcohol dependency on their own. And many addicts end up carrying the heavy weight of guilt around with them. They feel guilty for what they have become, the choices they have made, and the effect that it has had on their friends and family.
Therapy, whether it is in a group or with an individual counselor, is a necessary part of carrying that burden. And, if we are being completely honest, it is included in whatever cost you pay to get into most detox facilities. If you are paying for it, you might as well use it.
What you have to understand about residential detox programs is that they do not fit into the most modern conception of a business. Yes, as we just said, they do charge for their services.
But most of the people you find working at a residential detox center are not there for the money. If there were any misconception about detox programs, it is that they are driven by a desire for profit. But the whole process of treating addicts is simply not that profitable.
If people were driven by profit, they would find another business to open. You will also see people misunderstand these facilities as being religious. This is sometimes true, but you can find far more secular detox programs than religious ones.
If you need any help finding one near you, or just want to talk, then visit our homepage.
Related Categories: Health, Reviews