Sure, using ph ballance vee babes can help, but we need to find out more about how to control feminine odor before rushing into getting treatment right away. Sometimes, there are other things that you can do to make sure you stay fresh as a flower! For this, you can check out whether yoni pearls actually work.
Having some vaginal odor is normal, but you need to know what normal means to your body. You need to know what’s your normal smell, the normal amount of discharge, its normal color, and density. When you notice slight changes in those, you need to schedule an appointment with your health care provider to make sure you are in good health condition.
There can be a bunch of reasons why our vaginal odor has changed. Sometimes, that can happen because of slight fluctuations in your menstrual cycle or as a side effect of being on your period. The odor can fluctuate with your level of estrogen, too!
However, sometimes a foul odor can indicate more serious health conditions, such as bacterial or yeast infections. The normal smell of the vagina can be described as musky since the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism that flushes out harmful bacteria. While being on your period, that smell becomes slightly metallic.
Fishy odors are signs of other medical conditions. If you notice an unpleasant smell that does not go away even after showering, then it’s time to go to your doctor for a check-up.
There can be multiple causes of unusual vaginal odors. Some of the most common ones include infections, either will be talking of yeast infections or bacterial infections. Sometimes, pH imbalance can throw off the way your vagina normally smells.
There are multiple sweat glands in your sensitive area, so working out or living in a warm environment can be the explanation for the unpleasant smell. Not showering after intercourse or vaginal secretions are other possible reasons.
We know how unpleasant the situation is but try not to rush and start using off-the-counter products right away. You should always discuss with a doctor before following any kind of treatment, as it can cause worsening your actual condition rather than treating it if chosen poorly.
How to get rid of the odor? This is not that tricky as it sounds! If we are talking about a temporary problem, such as a change in your menstrual cycle then showering with warm water and unscented soap should do the deed just fine.
Add a panty liner into the equation and you have nothing to worry about anymore! This could help control the odor and, most importantly, the moisture from your sensitive area as this can cause serious complications such as bacterial infections that are way harder to treat!
There are some natural remedies available, too. We do not recommend using these as they do not have any scientific evidence that proves their effectiveness. However, they are popular among people who choose natural remedies over medical treatments, so we thought it might be a good idea to mention them, too.
- Using Apple Cider Vinegar – this supposedly can help restore the natural pH level of the vaginal environment. Also, it has antifungal, and it acts as an antiseptic, so it should be a good remedy for infections, too. You should mix 2 tbs into a glass of water and drink it every day.
- Using Baking Soda – this remedy is one of the most popular ones, using baking soda for restoring the natural pH of your sensitive area. To do this, you just need to add ½ cup of baking soda into your bathwater. As simple as that!
As we mentioned before, sometimes, the unusual vaginal smell can be a symptom of a more serious medical condition. If you have itching, swelling in your vaginal area, burning pain during urination or intercourse, unusual colored discharge, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Bacterial vaginosis could be one of those conditions causing those symptoms. This condition settles in when the mucosal lining of the vagina is weakened, or the number of good bacteria drops. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by the growth of harmful bacteria in the vaginal area.
This can happen for multiple reasons: using scented soap, wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, and wearing tampons for too long are only some of the most common ones. Also, having multiple sex partners or unprotected sex can make you prone to develop bacterial vaginosis, too!
The first-line treatment for this condition is antibiotics, but sometimes this is not enough. Recurrent BV can be a total headache to cure. Luckily for us, there are boric acid suppositories doing wonders!
Another infection that can cause symptoms like discharge, an unusual vaginal odor, itching, and swelling is a yeast infection. Yeast infection is not considered to be a sexually transmitted infection, as yeast can be naturally found inside the human body, especially in the mucosal lining of the mouth or the vagina.
Yeast infections happen when the naturally encountered yeasts experience growth, and they start affecting our health. Luckily for us, yeast infections are easier to treat than bacterial vaginosis. They can be treated with antifungal off-the-counter medications, and most of the women would not experience recurrent infections.
With all these in mind, we hope we helped you clear your mind a little bit when it comes to vaginal odor. Remember that everyone experiences some level of vaginal odor and that only means that your body is doing its job, flushing harmful bacteria out from your system. Warm water and unscented soap should be just enough for reducing the odor.
The key to a healthy vagina is knowing yourself when it comes to your normal odor, normal amount of discharge, normal color of discharge, and normal density of discharge. When you notice slight changes in these, then it is time to go see your doctor and run some tests.
No matter what social media and the rest of the internet tell you, having some type of bodily smell is normal and we all have it, there is nothing wrong with that!
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