1. Create Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful weapon to conquer muddled thinking and create clear thinking. 

Mindfulness encourages space between thoughts.  When that happens, you are better able to evaluate your ideas from an unemotional and impartial position. 

Furthermore, when you are better aware of your thoughts, you can notice flaws in your thinking better and recognize false lines of reasoning better. 

More and more research about mindfulness is happening. Moreover, some studies have shown that therapies based on mindfulness can be just as effective as more established alternatives. See more about therapies available here.

Mindfulness reminders” are an excellent way to get started. They remind you to maintain focus and awareness throughout the day. Lots of apps exist to help with this. 

  1. Remove Distractions 

To think clearing, you’ll need a certain degree of stability and focus. You’ll need to maintain your thoughts on one thing. 

If you cannot maintain attention because you find yourself checking WhatsApp messages one minute and then checking the news the next, it will be impossible for you to perform the in-depth discursive reasoning necessary to fight through arguments, form valid conclusions, and process new information. 

Take the time to organize your room or go on a social media fast.  These two moves, for example, will benefit you love the short term. However, to fight ongoing distractions, you’ll need to create long-term habits. 

Consider ways to get rid of distractions from your life. Some examples include avoiding social media during work periods, placing your mobile phone outside your office rather than inside, or setting up blocks on news sites. 

  1. Feed Your Brain 

Specific foods, particularly refined carbs high in sugar, can create what is known as “brain fog.”  When this happens, it can be hard to think clearly. 

On the other hand, healthy foods such as leafy green vegetables, berries, seeds, nuts, and dark chocolate have increased brain and memory performance. 

Choose foods that make for healthy choices.  For example, non-sugary snacks are immediate and practical to encourage clear thinking. Vitamins sun as B12, zinc and iron are also tied to cognitive health.  Therefore, be sure that you’re getting the correct amount of necessary nutrients. 

Attractive woman doing yoga. Healthy lifestyle. The concentration of the body. Woman doing yoga in the mountains. Girl doing yoga at sunset. Woman meditates in nature. Meditation in the mountains

  1. Begin a Daily Meditation Practice 

There’s a lot of research-backed benefits for meditating. Relaxation, for example, is a vital outcome when it comes to clear thinking. 

Focusing and working through a problem is challenging to do when you’re anxious and stressed. When you are stressed, your thoughts start racing, and catastrophizing happens. None of this is good for clear, practical thinking. 

Even if you meditate for as little as ten minutes per day, it can have tangible and long-lasting effects. When you arrange for daily practices, with the help of apps such as Headspace, you can increase your entire level of calm throughout the whole day. 

  1. Get Your Workplace Organized 

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Tidy room, tidy mind”? That piece of advice is not just a “throwaway.” It’s advice that is said by frustrated parents who want their kids to clean their rooms. Studies have proven that spaces that are organized are good for us

When you work in an orderly environment, your concentration is boosted, and you become calmer.  All of these helps you have clear thoughts. There is one study, for example, that shows a link between increased academic performance and reduced clutter. 

Marie Kondo, a cleaning guru, has become well known lately for her unique stance on streamlining and tidying. Her success and her fame are likely because of the psychological benefits that happen when one declutters.

Image Source: BigStockPhoto.com (Licensed)


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