When our muscles are working harder or longer than usual, perhaps even in a different way than normal, it can lead to straining or damage to the fibers in your muscles. Although this damage is usually minute, it can leave your muscles feeling really sore or stiff. Surprisingly, if you’re experiencing muscle soreness, it tends to mean that you’re gaining strength. This occurs when you use new muscles or change the type of exercise or its intensity. Muscle fibers break down during exercise because your muscles become stressed. As they repair themselves, they become both larger and stronger than they previously were. If your muscles are causing you discomfort, here are some quick and easy solutions for alleviating any soreness you may be experiencing.
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Let’s not forget that exercising is good for your body and mind. It’s just that sometimes, our body may need some rest and recuperation for any number of reasons. Just as stated at https://www.wilsonsupplements.com, rest is as important as training and ensuring your body gets the nutrients it needs to repair itself throughout the day. Listening to what your body is telling you is vital to ensure that you can meet its needs. The last thing you want is to experience complete burnout and be incapable of doing anything. Therefore, here are several things you can try to lessen the level of soreness.
Warming Up
Research indicates exercises that warm up your muscles before your main activity may actually be more beneficial than stretching them beforehand. Warming-up exercises increase the blood flow to your muscles and effectively make them more alert. Such exercises include jump rope, light weight lifting, and a gentle bike ride. Remember this stage is not about exertion.
Keeping hydrated is beneficial in a number of ways. It loosens your muscles as well as controlling your body temperature and transporting nutrients around it. Without adequate hydration, you will struggle to perform to the best of your abilities. It could also lead to dizziness, muscle cramp, or more serious conditions.
Limited Rest
Whenever you’re experiencing muscle soreness, ensure that the affected area has rested for 48 hours before exercising it in the same way. Lightly exercising the same muscles could be beneficial. For example, if you’re feeling sore after a swimming competition, a slow-paced walk over the course of the next couple of days may help the muscles release tension. You should avoid doing nothing, so striking that perfect balance is imperative to your recovery.
Using Correct Technique
This is a must when embarking on any new exercise regime because without learning the right way to do things, you are holding yourself open to injury. Seeking help from someone more experienced or a trainer, if you belong to a gym, will pay dividends in the long run. Always be open to having your form critiqued as it could help you refine your training and technique.
Cooling Down
Just as it’s important to warm up, it is equally important to cool down after any main activity. This is when you can stretch out those muscles, with a specific focus on the ones you have used. Your muscles will already be warm and flexible at this point, so stretching them will provide your body with a head start to heal any sore points. It also releases any stress and tension your body may be carrying, whilst making it more flexible. Stretching can do all of this whilst also directing the flow of blood back to your heart and away from your muscles.
Knowing Your Limits
Whilst it’s always good to push yourself, you need to be aware of the difference between challenging and being unrealistic when it comes to exercise especially weight training. We have all started at the beginning at some point. It is only through dedication and patience that we are able to progress from light weights onto something much heavier. Jumping to a heavy weight may lead to injury, so take your time and practice regularly.
There is no set time limit for muscle soreness. It pretty much depends on where the muscle is and the extent of the soreness felt. Generally speaking, acute soreness occurs when it is immediately felt. They could ache or tighten up to twelve hours after any activity, with discomfort reaching its pinnacle between 48 to 72 hours after. When this occurs it is known as delayed-onset muscle soreness. Therefore, muscle soreness can last anything from hours to days, so you will need to be patient and wait for it to heal.
Other things, aside from the above, that you can try to alleviate the sore area include:
- Muscle massage
- An ice pack
- A warm bath or shower to increase blood flow
- Over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relief, such as Advil
- Rest
- Knee Compression Sleeves (be sure to read knee compression sleeve reviews )
Although muscle soreness can be debilitating, muscles feel like this as they are gaining strength. This is ultimately a positive aspect of growing muscle mass, but it may not feel like it at the time! The main thing you need to hold onto is that to resume training, it is important not to do so at the same intensity until your muscle soreness dissipates. If you persist in pushing yourself before your body has had time to recover, you will potentially cause more harm to yourself. However, by taking a few days out of your regular exercise routine and doing something less intense, you may help yourself bounce back quicker.
Image Source: BigStockPhoto.com (Licensed)
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