Law firms that budget hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns still shy away from spending on SEO. That’s because many of them don’t understand its immense potential and importance in the current online world.
At a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing, SEO can bring you more clients and establish your law firm’s credibility far more than any TV or Facebook ad ever can. Read on to learn how SEO is much better and even cost efficient to promote your business.
Marketing Vs. SEO: Which Is Better For Law Firms?
In the past, most law firms couldn’t think about getting business without running a proper marketing campaign. However, like many other things, the internet has changed the reality of this too. And optimizing your law firm’s presence on the internet search engines can be more effective compared to traditional marketing.
Let’s have a look at some of the reasons why SEO is better than marketing for your law firm.
Reach more people
No matter how successful of a marketing campaign you run, you will never be able to reach the number of people you can with SEO these days. Because people browse the internet more than they watch television or read the newspaper.
Marketing campaigns consist of advertisements, billboards, and client conventions. And people always have the option of not looking at a billboard or avoiding an ad.
On the other hand, proper SEO makes your online presence more powerful. So, your firm is always on the first page of the internet (search engine results) whenever someone types in some keyword related to legal matters in their search box.
In other words, your firm’s presence becomes a search engine result rather than a mere advertisement. And this translates to greater engagement.
Appear more trustworthy
Traditional marketing techniques have lost much of their credibility. Because everyone knows that ads always exaggerate rather than state the truth.
As a result, a greater percentage of people don’t take ads and other traditional marketing campaigns seriously anymore.
But when you get a good ranking on search engine result pages, it becomes a statement of your company’s credibility and trustworthiness. Because without having a certain level of authority and authentication you won’t have appeared there in the first place.
So, SEO is a more effective way to build credibility for your law firm compared to average marketing techniques.
Running ads on televisions, newspapers, and billboards is costly. Plus, these things require hiring a lot of people, time, and overall maintenance. And still, in the end, you have to leave much of the chance of success to luck.
But with search engine optimization you don’t have all these problems. Just hire a good company that specializes in personal injury lawyer seo and leave the rest to them. Moreover, you can be sure to reach a greater number of people and your target audience.
Connecting with Target audience
Any marketing campaign aims to reach the target audience of that business. Traditional marketing methods like cold calling, print ads try to achieve this in a much more primitive manner. They go through an elaborate process of trial and error and in the meantime hope to reach the target audience. This costs you money and time.
SEO is more scientific and precise in this aspect. Because, when you optimize your law firm’s presence on the internet, your company ranks for certain legal terms and commonly searched legal keywords on the search engine.
Therefore, whenever a potential client searches for these terms on the internet, your company is the first thing they see. In other words, you don’t have to go through that initial trial and error phase. And you don’t have to rely on chance.
How To Optimize Your Law Firm For Search Engines?
To rank your law firm’s site at the top of search engine results you need to create high-quality web pages. This means, your site should have unique, original content which is helpful for visitors and attracts traffic.
You should also build authentic backlinks to your site. Be sure not to link with sites that are irrelevant or take payment. Plus, regularly check for spam in the comments section of your site.
Also, keep in mind that applying black hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, manipulating ALT tags, creating doorway sites will result in a Google penalty.
However, if you are not a tech professional all these might seem a bit overwhelming. Therefore, it’s best to give your business to professionals who specialize in law firm SEO. A company like this will take care of your SEO for very little cost. So, you can focus on your work and help more people with their legal problems.
Personal injury lawyer seo is more important than marketing for modern law businesses. If you don’t optimize your site for the search engines, you will lose clients to your competitors.
Spending a fraction of your marketing budget on SEO can yield greater results than you could imagine. So be smart and get with the times.
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