There are over 29M Americans who are suffering from diabetes as of now. Over 8.1M people haven’t been diagnosed yet as well.
Diabetes happens to be the seventh biggest killer in the US. The number of deaths attributed to diabetes could be even more, considering that over 50% of adults living in the US are either prediabetic or diabetic.
Disturbing thoughts, yeah.
If you suffer from diabetes, you know how seriously it can wreck your daily life and disrupt your activities.
If you’re someone who needs to monitor their sugar levels on a daily basis, you must be aware of the importance of test strips in your daily life.
Why Are Test Strips Important?
It is crucial to maintain a constant supply of diabetes test strips if you’d like to manage your diabetic condition in a more effective manner. For most people suffering from this condition, test strips happen to be an integral part of their life.
If you’re a diabetic, you might have heard about the practice of selling your test strips. You may have wanted to know more regarding this process. Here at Test Strips 4 Money, we are committed to aiding and improving the daily lives of people suffering from diabetes. As a result, we often get queries concerning the sale of test strips, almost every day.
Is It Okay to Sell My Test Strips?
It is completely legal to sell diabetic test strips – and it can even help other diabetics who are suffering from their own issues.
It’s not illegal to sell test strips since they are OTC products that can be purchased freely from any pharmacy or drugstore. It is possible to purchase them directly without the need for a doctor’s prescription.
Any products that were purchased from a pharmacy or drugstore over the counter can be easily sold without any legal constraints, even if you were prescribed this product. The same goes if these test strips came into your possession as a gift – you can do as you please with them.
Since we live in a world full of rules and regulations, there are a few exceptions you should be mindful of. However, there are just 2 exceptions –
- If you haven’t obtained the strips in a legal manner, it is illegal to sell these glucose strips
- If these test strips were paid using funds from Medicare or Medicaid, it’s illegal to be selling them. That’s because these strips aren’t paid for with your money – it’s the government’s money. Test strips bought this way usually have red strips covering the box, indicating that these strips are meant for Medicare or Medicaid patients alone. However, one should properly know what does medicare cover before making use of such strips.
What Do I Stand To Gain By Selling Test Strips?
There are a number of advantages to be gained by selling test strips. Not only do you get to pocket some extra cash, but you can also help others who are suffering from this disease.
Healthcare costs are increasing every year, which has made several essential items too expensive for ordinary people. Some can’t even purchase test strips OTC due to several factors like poverty and unemployment. Many other people are either uninsured or have zero health insurance.
By selling test strips, you are basically recycling items, which you aren’t going to be using anyway. At least other people can gain some benefits this way.
Why will I have any unused diabetes test strips at all?
Many people with diabetes tend to have unused test strips in their house gathering dust or catching flies.
There are a number of reasons why you’d have an excess amount of test strip at your place. Many people who regularly sell off their diabetes test strips have provided some reasons why they wind up with an excess quantity of test strips.
Some people have to switch their health insurance providers, which requires them to use another brand of test strips.
Sometimes, people may have to change their machines. Machines are not always compatible with all test strips. Therefore, people may wind up with excess test strips due to incompatibility issues.
For some people, they don’t require lifelong monitoring since their diabetes is of a milder variety. For instance, some women suffer from pregnancy-related gestational diabetes. However, it eventually winds up improving or clearing up once the delivery is over. In situations like these, people may wind up with excess test strips.
The good news is that you can always make use of platforms like Test Strips 4 Money to recoup your expenses. This way, not only do you get to help others access affordable test strips, but you can also make money and apply it towards other expenses.
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