The late Paul Newman once famously said that money won was twice as sweet as money earned, and we have to agree with him. There are fewer things as satisfying as using your knowledge to place a bet with a bookmaker, that bet winning, and the bookie having to pay you out.

Being a profitable sports bettor is not as easy as you think. Everyone would be professional punters if it were, and online bookmakers would not be in business for very long. There are steps you can take, however, to increase your chances of turning a profit. You are about to find out all about them right now.

Take Advantage Of Bonuses

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sports betting sites on the internet, each vying for your business. The more bets a bookie takes, the more money they are likely to win in the long run. They attract new customers and keep hold of existing ones by offering bonuses. Help yourself to a betting bonus [valid where legal] whenever you can because it is essentially free money

Some bookies offer to match your deposit in the form of bonus money. Others hand out free bets during major sporting events. Each site is different in what they offer, but always take advantage of anything free offered. 

Specialize In One Or Two Areas

It pays to specialize when it comes to anything you do in all walks of life. There is a saying that states it is better to be a jack of all trades than a master of none, yet specialists make the most money.

A doctor working in general practice, for example, earns a hefty salary. The same doctor who specializes in a form of surgery reaps even more substantial rewards

This is also true in the world of sports betting. There are bettors out there who place wagers on several different sports each and every day while turning a profit. However, they are few and far between.

Specializing in one or two sports increases your chances of beating the bookie at their own game. There is no point betting on the MLB if you are an avid NFL fan. Use your knowledge of a particular sport to your advantage. Increase that knowledge by dedicating your time to knowing every nuance about every team and player.

Do Your Research!

We cannot stress enough how important it is to thoroughly research your bets before placing them. Bookies employ teams of experts to go through each game with a fine-toothed comb, looking for anything that gives their employer an edge. You put yourself at a significant disadvantage if you do not do the same.

Researching teams’ injuries and other variables such as weather, upcoming fixtures, and past meetings is the bare minimum you need to do. This is why it is essential to specialize in one or two sports because it makes it easier to thoroughly research all the different permutations.

The best sports bettors know every single thing that can influence the outcome of a game. They know if a specific player struggles against a particular opponent. They even look into whether or not a flight was delayed for the traveling team! 

Bet With Your Head, Not With Your Heart

Being a fan of any sports team charges your emotions. You are invested in their results and want the very best for them. Betting on your own team is not advised because sometimes it results in your heart ruling your head.

On the surface, betting on your own team seems like a good idea. Nobody knows your team like you do, which ticks the “do your own research” and “specialize in one area” boxes and more. The problem lies in that we often look at our teams through rose-tinted spectacles and overestimate their chances of victory.

Supporting a team like the Kansas City Chiefs means you are used to your team winning far more games than they lose. But what if you are a supporter of a lesser outfit? Are your Miami Dolphins really going to beat the Green Bay Packers on the road, or are you just hopeful they will?

This writer has lost track of the money lost betting on his favorite soccer team. Betting on your team to lose results in you not enjoying the game as much. Leave your favorite teams off your betting slip; there are many other teams and sportspeople to bet on.

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