Debt is everywhere. All kinds of people on this planet have some amount of debt, be it rich or middle class. But the biggest problem is that people don’t see it as a problematic thing. Credit card debt is becoming a regular thing and making people drown deep into it. As though having debt on one card isn’t enough, people go out and get another one to support their habits and lifestyle.
Keeping debt and helping it pile up is not a favorable move in your life. It can damage your relationship with others and, more importantly, yourself.
Thus, here are some brutal truths that every one of us needs facing in order to get our debts in control and live freely:
It’s depressing
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Debt is money you have spent that is not yours. It is also an amount that is becoming hard for you to pay back. Once your debt becomes a burden and you feel like it’s beyond payable, you may start to suffer from stress and depression. Although the start of these conditions is always mild, if not dealt with timely, these issues can increase to become severe medical problems such as migraines or severe depression that can be life-threatening. Instead of going for dangerous loan options, go for quick and easy loans that can be applied with bad credit as well.
Eats Away at Your Future Money
As you keep paying some portion of your paychecks toward your debt, you also keep getting rid of money that could be used as a valuable investment. This way, all the dough you’re going to make in the future also becomes your debt. It’s another stress-causing situation involving debt when you have to make money that has already been used up, and you can’t do anything of it. Through credit card debt, you keep losing funds as you spend that is never going to come back, and you have to cover up with your future income.
Creates Unhealthy Shopping Habits
There are people blessed with prudent abilities and use their money very carefully. These people are able to save money to use it for better opportunities ahead. However, not most of us are like that and spend on impulse at least once or twice a month and more if there’s an occasion. This unhealthy spending comes with a thing called credit card and loan systems that give off the delusion that you’re not spending your own money for the time being. This reality only hits when you have several bills sitting on your table but can happen earlier when you try to get a hold of it yourself.
It Keeps You from Better Things in Life
A healthy and quality lifestyle is usually compared with having more money and better things in life. These better things can be anything from a house to a savings account. Everyone dreams of things like these and plan to get them at some point. However, as long as there is debt, these possessions cannot be procured without taking another substantial loan, feeling guilty about your purchase, and paying it for a long time in your life. Reaching a financially free state is also a dream of plenty that can’t be achieved with debt.
Damages Credit Score
Credit is built with your financial history and efficiency in paying off debt and loans on time. With bad credit, qualifying for a good low-interest loan can be challenging. For this reason, it’s best to create a debt-free financial history with good credit that you can proudly show to your house mortgage providers and be able to pay off your mortgagee efficiently without having to decrease your debt as well with it. It is advised to have less than 43% of your monthly payment going into your debt to qualify for your mortgage.
Family Destructing
Debts have been known for their destructive abilities, not only on your monthly salary but your relationships as well. With your debt sitting around and you being unable to pay it off while providing for your family, the important people in your house can start becoming disappointed and, as a consequence, may distance themselves from you.
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