Personal injury law is a blanket term that is used to identify all acts of negligence. In layman’s terms, just about any accident where the carelessness or recklessness of a person is involved will fall under personal injury.
There are plenty of resources available on the internet that have information pertaining to personal injury law. For instance, a visit to this site teaches you everything you need to know about personal injury law and gets you the assistance you need.
This article plays a small role in raising awareness about personal injury laws. It discusses the different types of cases that come under personal injury law.
The following cases are categorized under personal injury law.
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Slip and fall cases
- Medical malpractice
- Dog bites
- Defamation
- Pedestrian accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Product liability
- Wrongful death
- Assault and other intentional crimes
Motor Vehicle Accidents
A major chunk of personal injury cases in the US come under this category. The cases that are included under motor vehicle accidents include:
- Car accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Truck accidents
Motor vehicle accidents generally happen when one or both drivers involved aren’t following road rules. But there are other reasons as well. Factors like distracted driving and manufacturing defects have been known to cause motor vehicle accidents.
Slip and Fall Cases
Just like their name implies, slip and fall cases involve the victim injuring themselves after slipping and falling. The liable parties in slip and fall cases are usually property owners, as they have the responsibility to keep the premises free of hazardous elements.
The injuries a victim suffers due to a slip and fall accident can range from minor cuts and bruises to fractures, concussions, and spinal cord injuries.
Medical Malpractice
Doctors and other healthcare professionals have the responsibility to maintain a standard of care when treating people. The failure of the healthcare professional to meet this standard of care and its subsequent injury are the basis of a medical malpractice claim.
A medical malpractice claim doesn’t necessarily involve the side effects of a treatment or procedure. Some of the common medical malpractice claims include
- Misdiagnosis
- Medication errors
- Surgical errors
- Failure to diagnose
- Pressure ulcers
- Injuries during childbirth
Dog Bites
As the name suggests, a dog bite case is one where the victim is bitten by a dog. In the majority of cases, the owner(s) of the dog(s) will be held liable for the victim’s injuries.
Dog bite laws vary from state to state. Some follow the one-bite rule, whereas others follow strict-liability laws.
Under the one-bite rule, the owner of the dog is liable for the victim’s injuries only if they knew that the dog was violent.
Under strict-liability, the dog‘s owner will be held liable, regardless of whether it was the first time the animal bit someone.
Any kind of injury to a person’s reputation will also be considered under personal injury law. Defamation tends to damage an individual’s personal or professional life through false statements that are either spoken or published as facts. Defamation usually happens in two ways.
- Libel: Defamation via written text
- Slander: Defamation via speech
The damages caused by defamation are usually emotional. Sometimes, a false statement against a person or their business might lead to financial losses as well.
Pedestrian Accidents
Accidents involving a pedestrian and any motor vehicle come under pedestrian accidents. The at-fault party in pedestrian accidents can be either the pedestrian or the driver. This is because pedestrian accidents happen only when there is a lapse in attentiveness from the driver or the pedestrian themselves.
In addition, the following are some of the causes of pedestrian accidents.
- Failure to yield the right of way
- Intoxicated drivers or pedestrians
- Jaywalking
- Pedestrians wearing dark clothing
- Weather conditions
- Poor road design
- Vehicle defects
Bicycle Accidents
Bicyclists are the most vulnerable parties on the road, right after pedestrians. When any motor vehicle hits a bicycle, the damage is devastating for the bicyclists. In addition to motor vehicles, sewer bars and grates can lead to bicycle accidents as well.
Bicyclists experience a range of injuries when they’re involved in accidents. Some of the more common ones include:
- Bruises
- Back injuries
- Head injuries
- Fractures
- Face injuries
Product Liability
Product manufacturers have the responsibility to offer defect-free products to the public with clear instructions on how to use them and potential side effects. A product liability case occurs when an individual is injured due to defective product design or any other product issue. Victims of product liability need not prove negligence, as it is usually presumed.
Common product liability cases include:
- Faulty vehicle parts
- Flammable children’s clothing
- Exploding bottles of beer
- Products without sufficient warning labels
Wrongful Death
These are cases where a victim loses their life due to the negligence or carelessness of others. The surviving family members of the victim can file a wrongful death case to punish the at-fault parties and claim compensation for their losses.
The individuals who can file a wrongful death claim are:
- Immediate family members
- Life partners (varies by state)
- Those who were financially dependent on the victim (varies by state)
- Distant family members (varies by state)
- Parents of a deceased fetus (varies by state)
- Those who suffer financial losses due to the death (varies by state)
Intentional Torts
Not all personal injury cases involve negligence. Some cases involve the concept of intentional harm instead of negligence. These cases, referred to as intentional torts, carry criminal consequences for the at-fault party.
The following cases are frequently discussed when talking about intentional torts.
- Assault and battery
- False imprisonment and false arrest
- Conversion
- Emotional distress caused intentionally
- Fraud
- Trespassing
Hope this article helped you learn about the different types of personal injury cases. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible if you are involved in one.
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