This is a video of a little girl named Kayden experiencing rain for the first time. It is adorable. I know what you’re wondering, but no, there is no one cutting onions in here. It’s just me and I am crying. HARD. Little Kayden is all “F*** YEAH RAIN!” and I’m over here blubbering like a baby. We rarely get precipitation here in LA. Sometimes we go months and months without seeing even a little sprinkle. When it does rain, people lose their G-D minds. Not like Kayden here, smiling, giggling, arms outstretched welcoming the rain. But more like a bunch of adults instantaneously driving like maniacs the second a rain drop hits the windshield. Sure, it sounds horrible and it is.
Related Categories: Kids, Video
So cute, the wonders of childhood. Love it.
Any idea what camera this was shot with?
pure bliss…
“Let the little children come to Me, for of such is the kingdom of God. I assure you that whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a little child shall not take part in it” ~Jesus Christ~