I remember a time when fish could get along swimmingly (!!!!!) in an old pickle jar and tap water. But fish these days, good lord! — they want glamour, luxury and direct TV. My fish are so damn greedy that when they hear about this bomb-ass Labyrinth Aquarium they are gonna want it. BAD. And they will stop at nothing until I fork over the cash and buy it for them. In this case, I can’t say I really blame them. I’d give anything to be a fish and live in this tank. Literally, anything. Satan, if you’re reading: I’ve got a soul to sell. Call me!
Related Categories: Art & Design, Pets & Animals
$6500? did i read that right…. greedy ass.
What do you do if a fish dies in there? It doesn’t look like you can access all of the globes from the outside. That could get pretty yucky.