Youtube channel MegaBirdCrazy posted this ridiculous video of a cockatoo cursing out a man smashing a bird-cage. The ranting starts around the 1:10 mark, so feel free to skip ahead if you need to hear a bird losing his shit like RIGHT NOW. And, hey — no judgy! But if you don’t mind me asking, are you okay? What exactly are you going through? I’m here if you need to talk.

Related Categories: Pets & Animals, Video

1 Comment

  1. Lisa

    He’s not cursing out the guy for smashing his cage. He is cursing at the cage that it deserves to be smashed. This guy adopted this bird who was taken away from his owners for keeping a full grown neglected bird in a cage that’s far too small for him. He is saying it belongs in the garbage. This guy build thus room for this bird so he’s got no use for the tiny cage anymore. :) what a gear guy.