Friday we saw a boy named Gunner find out he’s getting a little sister. He was not happy about it. I understand — I’m a little sister AND a big sister so I can see both sides of it. Still, doesn’t make it hurt any less. No one likes to feel unwanted! Fortunately, there’s Logan. He’s an 11 year old only child and this is a video of him finding out he is gonna be a big brother. His reaction is so genuinely sweet and endearing, it turned my cold, black heart into a puddle of smiles and feel goods. I think we can all agree that Logan’s gonna be a great big brother. And if we can’t agree on that, THERE WILL BE NO AGREEING TO DISAGREE.

Related Categories: Kids, Video

1 Comment

  1. Jacqueline

    Oh he is going to be terrific. What a sweet little kid !