This is a customizable refridgerator kit that that turns your fridge into a TARDIS. I guess you could call it — get this! — a Pol-ICE Box. Yeeeaaah! The kit was designed by Joy Alyssa Day and is being sold over at Glass Sculpture. I’m assuming it does NOT make your fridge any bigger on the inside, which is a damn shame because I could use some extra room! Mainly because I buy all my food in bulk. I’m a big eater!

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  1. Joy Alyssa Day

    Thank you for featuring my fridge!!! Why did you change my name? I like the “Joy” part of it….. :)

  2. Brittany High

    Just a typo — FIXED! Thanks for the correction.

  3. pat b

    this is not a TARDIS, this is a Blue Police box.

  4. Jessica

    It is the TARDIS..from Doctor who ..which is..a blue police box…

  5. MizMia

    Omg in love with this! Then again I am obsessed with all things Doctor Who. Must have. Won’t match my kitchen decor and I don’t even care. The tardis can go anywhere, right?!